Softball Player profile: Sonny Lakes

Softball security guard “Manny” Lakes can be seen in his super-charged security Porsche patrolling the Field of Dreams.

Larry Wolfe Sonny M. Lakes, known as “Manny” down at the Field of Dreams, isn’t your typical senior softball player. In fact, he doesn’t play at all, but you will see him down at the field every day. He’s currently our security guard; however, his story is rather unusual. Manny’s originally from New York City,…

Ironwood Lady Niners – February 2015

IWLN Executive Board and Standing Committee members

Nancy Davis Ironwood Lady Niners Standing Committees: In addition to the Executive Board, the Ironwood Lady Niners League has standing committees that give their time and expertise to make our club so successful and fun. The 2015 standing committee members are: Pairings/Games: Linda Liberti and Mary Yasuda; Scoring: Denise Fleshner; Handicap-Membership: Rachel Enloe; Orientation: Marcia…

Oasis Fall Bocce Ball at Sun Lakes Country Club

The fall schedule concluded on December 18 with the following winners. Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.: In first place with 10 wins the team of Ellen Williams, Bob Zahn and Bill and Sylvia Townsend; tie for second place with six wins each, the following teams: Judy Turner, Lu Nermyr, Barb and Buzz Bradley, Mary and Don…

Oakwood 18-hole Couples Golf League notice

Stephanie Higgins The league played a 4 Ball Scramble on November 14 on the Palms/Lakes courses. Results for Flight A: 1st (tie) Barb and Paul Dinardo and Marion and Charles Peles, 2nd Pat and Mike Maltz and Beverly Smith and Walt Stuckenschneider, 3rd (tie) Nancy and Steve Chadderdon, Mary Lynn and Doug Currie, Pauline and…

IronOaks Breakers wins the inaugural Traveling Trophy

David “The Godfather” Mork, IronOaks Breakers Pool League and Conrad Leines, Mission Royale Billiards, holding the shelf which has on it the 8-Ball “Winner’s Traveling Trophy” in the IronOaks Pool Room.

David Mork/Godfather and Chairman of the IronOaks Breakers Pool League The Inaugural match for the Winner’s Traveling Trophy between two competing pool leagues was played on December 13, 2014, in 8-Ball and the trophy was claimed by your own IronOaks Breakers Pool League (“the League”) by a score of 27 to 21 during the match…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Court report – February 2015

Bob and Rae Lewis are shown keeping track of match scores on the scoreboard at the start of the CTC gender doubles tournament in mid-January. The membership of the tennis club is very grateful to them for being our tournament directors this year. Kudos to you both from the CTC!

Susie Welker The Cottonwood Tennis Club wishes you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! We hope 2015 is a good year for you. More specifically: May you ace your first serve, smash your overheads accurately, drive your backhand return deep with perfection, slam lobs, place your alley shots expertly, win more matches than…