Free driving workshop

Neighbors Who Care is offering a free community workshop called Driver Independence and Safety on Tuesday, February 10. The event will be held from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in Room 4 of the Education Building at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. Light refreshments will be served. This program will be presented by a local driving instructor who…

Exercise is a new vital sign

Take a Tai Chi class with Kim Kubsch!

Kim Kubsch Did you know that exercise is a new vital sign? As reported in The Wall Street Journal in December 2014, patients are coming out of the doctor’s office with prescriptions for physical activity in addition to drugs, doctor referrals and follow-up protocols. Try exercise as your new prescription for Type 2 Diabetes or Alzheimer’s…

Free meditation class

Meditation quiets the mind, body and soul. When one sits quietly and settles down the mind, the body follows. If the body is too rattled and uneasy it is hard to settle the mind. Therefore, gentle exercises are done at the beginning to help the body get relaxed. You will feel your muscles relaxing after…

A new name for the Sun Lakes Watercolor Club

The Sun Lakes Watermedia Club

The Sun Lakes Watermedia Club now exists! To update our name to fit our use of all water based mediums, we have changed our title from the Watercolor Club. Members create artwork using acrylic paints, inks, watercolor pencils, casein and gouache and more. We welcome new member Janie Lucas. She is experimenting with watercolors from…