Thanks for sharing citrus

Sarah Kelzenberg “Sun Lakes Citrus Sharers.” Say that five times in a row, fast! Now entering into our 9th season, the Sun Lakes Citrus Sharers will be collecting spare fruit at homes in all Sun Lakes communities from February 7-March 9 and donate the harvest to St. Mary’s Food Bank. We need volunteers: Several teams…

20 years of Rockin’ Our Souls

Members of the choirs of the Christian churches and Jewish congregation meet for the first rehearsal of their interdenominational choir for the Sun Lakes Choir Festival.

Carol Hoepner Although March may come in like a lamb or a lion, why not be sure March will arrive in a special way by greeting it with an afternoon of enjoyable music by attending the 20th anniversary concert of the Sun Lakes Interfaith Music Festival? If you enjoy a variety of music, both vocal…

Hit the ground walking

Sue Schwartz Lace up your sneakers, bring a water bottle and join the I Love Walking group. Walking is the perfect form of exercise. It requires nothing but time and your own two feet. Walking at your own pace in the safe environment of our San Tan Ballroom is an efficient way to get your…

Other Card Results – February 2015


Lady Joker’s Wild Ponytail Canasta The Lady Joker’s Wild Ponytail Canasta card group which meets on Sunday afternoons in the Bradford Room of the Oakwood Clubhouse gathered recently for a holiday picture; those pictured are front row (left to right) Ellie Tandy, Gerri Deublein, Kathi Bobek; second row Thelma Neuman, Ruth Muenzer, Virginia Woodbeck, Anna…