Metal LoKators practice their skills

Virginia Koehler Several members went to a local park in January and had an enjoyable day hunting coins and socializing afterwards. February 9 is the date of the Metal Lokators’ mini hunt. Our monthly meeting will be held at Arrowhead Park where members will tune up their metal detectors in preparation for our “Big Hunt”…

Fun Lakers Club notice (formerly 40s 50s + Club)

Belinda Anderson, Vice President/Publicity Chair We have been having a plethora of fun events; and there’s still more to come! Our annual Meeting and New Member Recognition was held on January 23. It was a fantastic evening of pizza, games, prizes and great socializing. Our February event is going to be fantastic! You won’t want…

Presentation on Cochlear Implants at next HLAA meeting

Regina Milgroom With today’s advancements in technology, an increasing number of people with significant hearing loss are enjoying restored hearing with cochlear implants. Sarah Hargest will discuss what cochlear implants are, who may benefit from using a CI and aural rehabilitation that everyone can do to help meet expectations for living with hearing aids or…

Life Beyond the Teabag – February 2015

Diane Eddy A cup of fine oolong tea puts one in mind of a summer garden, highlighted with the aroma of peaches, lilacs and gardenias. Lovely to look at, finished oolong teas come in myriad forms, colors and flavors. In their astonishing variety, oolong teas, sometimes called Wulong or blue teas, are the most interesting…

Confessions of a Brushaholic

Susan favors huge sash brushes when she paints!

Susan Plouzek, Oakwood Artists’ League I am one of 40 artists at Oakwood Artists’ League. I have collected many brushes over the years; artists’ passions for supplies can start out innocently. We try new techniques, processes and products in our quest to create art. By now, some of us have enough art supplies to stock…