Get your taxes done for free

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will again be open at Sun Lakes Country Club in the Mirror Room. Both Federal and state returns will be filed electronically. If filing jointly, both spouses must sign the return. Bring the following documents with you: Picture ID, Form SSA-1099 Social Security Benefit Statement (or social security…

Word of the Month – February 2015

Liminality David Zapatka There is a modern scholarly concept known as liminality. Interestingly enough you may not be able to find this word in your dictionary. You may be able to find liminal, limen, supraliminal and subliminal. Liminal means of or relating to a sensory threshold; barely perceptible; of or relating to being an intermediate…

Second annual IronOaks Homeowner Survey

It’s not too late to make sure your opinions are known! The IronOaks Homeowner Feedback Committee, along with the Master Plan Committee, is conducting this annual homeowner survey. It is a type of report card of how well the management and HOA are working toward the goals in the Master Plan. Your responses will be…

Line Dance Workshop planned

This workshop will answer the requests for learning and doing “the dances I see them doing at the dances.” This will be the third or fourth year, two or three times each year, that I have held this workshop for people to learn Elvira, Electric Slide and Cupid Shuffle line dances. Each time there have been a…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

The 2015 Sun Lakes Lady Niners officers

The 2015 officers of the Sun Lakes Lady Niners were installed at our January meeting. They are President Carole Kinderman, First Vice President Donna Sullivan, Second Vice President Jackie Aagaard, Secretary Rosalie Bowen and Treasurer Donna Quinn. February activities include a Valentine Happy Hour at Mulligans after the noon late play on February 10. On…