Line Dancing with Judee – February 2015

Line dance on Sunday, December 14

What a wonderful way to end the year 2014 by dancing with both classes, having treats and handing out door prizes to dancers who attended the line dance in SunBird on Sunday, December 14 as shown in the group picture. We completed all 13 dances from the Ultra Basics Class and 11 from the Basics…

Softball player Profile: Rick Ebel

Larry Wolfe After Rick Ebel told me what he and Debbie do for fun in their spare time, I thought, “What spare time?!” Besides playing softball, the Ebels participate in the Sun Lakes Country Club’s Bocce Ball and Pickleball leagues. In fact, Rick was instrumental in the formation of the SLCC’s Pickleball Club. They play…

Happy New Year photographers!

Canyon Winter by Lyn Thompson

Happy 2015! This year brings the opportunity to put photography on your resolution list. Printing your Christmas pictures of the family; learning to use that new camera you received as a gift; or joining the Sun Lakes Camera Club can reward any picture-taker in the family. Start the year off by giving yourself the gift…

PVLGA host most successful fundraiser to date

Janet Baron PVLGA and CW participants hosted their most successful ever annual fund raiser for the University of Arizona Cancer Center. Our Golf for Life Tournament was held on November 19. The amount of monies donated totaled $12,000, several thousand more than years past. Many of our players were themselves battling this dreadful disease. Their…