Lady Sluggers open softball season in January

Larry Wolfe The Lady Sluggers senior softball team opens their season with an away game at the Stingers field on January 5. The first home game is slated for January 7 versus Viewpoint. All home games are held at the Field of Dreams and begin at 1:00 p.m. The Home schedule is shown below: Wednesday,…

Writer’s Page – January 2015

  The group meets every Tuesday at 1pm in room A8 in Cottonwood. Pondering Thoughts Margaret Daniels My pondering all started when I had to go to work in order to have a few luxuries such as housing and food on the table. Working 10 plus hours per week for minimum wage provided me the…

Happy New Year with Reiki

Catharina Cupples 2015 – A new beginning of a New Year, and I wish you a year of good health and well-being. An excellent way to help maintain your own wellness is through Reiki, which is a system for the laying-on-of hands. Everyone has the capacity to allow healing energy to come through them. Reiki…