SunBird Kare Bears Faire

Join us on Saturday, December 6 from 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the SunBird Golf Resort Ballroom, 6250 S. SunBird Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249 (between Cooper and McQueen on Riggs). The Faire is open to the general public and there is no admission fee! There will be over 35 vendors in attendance with a variety of…

Sun Lakers Set Sail – December 2014

The Great Girls Getaway 2014

Linda Gruver Do you recognize anyone? These are the participants- ages 52 to 85- of a fantastic time on the 13th annual Great Girls Getaway! They visited Roatan, Honduras, Belize City, Belize and Cozumel, Mexico. Free time was enjoyed in each port with personal choice of adventures. Dinner was the highlight as stories of the…

Hike off those extra holiday calories

Sun Lakes hikers taking a water break

Roberta Arpan The Sun Lakes Hiking Club is providing a fun and effective way to stay trim during the holiday season. In addition to the 10 regular December hikes, two special hikes have been scheduled to enhance your holiday spirit. The list of December hikes follows. A full description of each hike can be found…

Formula One Racing comes to Arizona schools

Formula One (F1) racing is coming to Arizona schools!

Norm Noble Excuse me? Formula One (F1) racing in Arizona schools? Do we really want our school kids racing cars? We do if they are involved in the program developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the world’s premier engineering society dedicated to the advancement of the mobility community to serve society. F1 in…

New Adventures in Learning offers a variety of exciting class for spring

With more than 60 classes, discussion groups and trips being offered this spring by New Adventures in Learning, there’s something for everyone! Topics include history, science, politics, health, art, computers, culture, literature, travel, crafts and more. Join New Adventures to enjoy classroom learning geared specifically for retirees and adult learners. Spring registration opens Monday, January…