Janet Baron, Publicity Chairman The prevailing weather conditions in Arizona contributed to the wretched heat and humidity we experienced during the month of August. Some of our fearless ladies found their way to Palo Verde golf course every Tuesday morning to indulge in their passion for the game. They were determined to ignore the existing…
Sports, October 2014
PVLGA news and views
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Sun Lakes Garden Club moves to Chapel Center
Donna Haugland, Publicity The next meeting of the Sun Lakes Garden Club (SLGC) will be held at the Chapel Center, 9240 N. Sun Lakes Blvd., across from the Sun Lakes Country Club on Monday, October 6 at 9:30 a.m. The program will be “House Plants” presented by Kelly Depetro, Master Gardener and member of the…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Short Line Model Railroad Club getting back on track
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Looking for the Fountain of Youth?
Seek no further; it’s on the dance floor. Besides being fun, dancing is an activity that offers many rewards to the participants. You can exercise without working out, improve your social life, increase flexibility and agility, strengthen your core muscles, improve your balance, develop more social poise and confidence, meet new friends, and improve your…
Religion, October 2014
Shalom Hadassah
Doris Codkind, Publicity We are now back from our summer hiatus and anxious to get involved in our upcoming meetings and programs. The September 9 meeting at Oakwood Clubhouse featured a presentation on Health Advocacy given by our own Wende Levy, RN, BSN. This eye opening talk gave us tools and tips to use when…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
VFW addresses suicide awareness and prevention
Cheri Almond Suicide prevention was addressed at a joint meeting of the Sun Lakes VFW Post and Auxiliary. Post Commander Neal Peer and Auxiliary President Betty Peer welcomed Danny Hughes (1st Lieutenant/Arizona National Guard and Pastor at Chandler Community Church) to address the critical suicide prevention and awareness needs of our veterans and their families.…