Low vision notice

A special field trip to the Phoenix Convention Center will depart from the Renaissance at 8:30 a.m. on November 7 for the Sun Lakes Low Vision Group to attend the annual Expo demonstration of low vision assistive devices designed to aid people with vision loss. The regular monthly meeting of the group will take place…

Softball player profile: Larry Maggard

Softball profile: Larry Maggard

Larry Wolfe Larry Maggard is a true “softball lifer.” He’s played in one league or another since graduating from high school except for a brief hiatus when he turned 60, thinking maybe he was too old. But a few years later he discovered Sun Lakes Softball, so he’s back at it again and doesn’t plan…

Program on IDF November 2

The Friends of Israel Committee and the Men’s Club of Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation and the East Valley Jewish Community Center will present “The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF): Personal Experiences” on November 2 at 3:00 p.m. at The Chapel Center, 9240 N. Sun Lakes Boulevard, Sun Lakes Arizona 85248. Light refreshments will be served. The…