The Dolly Dressers Seek New Donations

Brooks Scofield The Dolly Dressers are looking for new donations of dolls suitable for our Spring Program. If you have any 18-inch dolls, Cabbage Patch dolls, or Barbies you would like to donate to our Spring Program, contact us. We also take all kinds of rag dolls and stuffed bears. First, all our dolls spend…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook The kitchen is the heart of the home and a popular choice for remodeling. Is it time to show yours some love? Some people choose to do a kitchen remodel when they first buy a home or when it’s about 10 to 20 years old, or do minor updates along the way. The…

U.S.VETS Express Appreciation for JWV Donations

Nancy Stutman Jewish War Veterans (JWV) Copper State Post 619 welcomes Michelle Jameson, executive director for U.S.VETS Phoenix, to speak on Sunday, Feb. 16. The meeting takes place in the Oakwood Country Club Ballroom, 24218 S. Oakwood Blvd. in Sun Lakes. A “Meet & Greet” with free lox and bagels, coffee, and doughnuts starts at…