Men Made of Metal: Finding Strength and Resilience

The idea of “men made of metal” has a strong, resilient feel to it, like someone who can withstand anything. First Baptist Church Sun Lakes’ (FBCSL) wildly popular series is back, beginning in January. We are inviting men in Sun Lakes to discover why this program is so successful. Our first meeting is on Jan.…

Niners October Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Membership: Gentlemen, this is the time of year when we begin to think about next year’s membership. If you are leaving the Niners, please let a board member know. And while we are on the subject, let’s welcome new member Mike Crewdson, sponsored by Ted Piotrowski. Welcome, Mike, and thanks, Ted. Sadly,…

Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association

The PVMGA’s 2023-24 season drew to a close with a Beat the Pros/Supers event on Oct. 12 with the Cottonwood Men’s Association, played at Cottonwood. Combined players from each club teamed up to compete against the team of Jon Griglak, Joey Jones, Scott Anderson, and Jim Miller. In the end, there were 19 teams that…


John Ladd, New Treasurer John Ladd has graciously agreed to assume the duties of MOGA treasurer. He retired to Sun Lakes in 2015 after more than 40 years in the accounting field where he was a financial controller for most of that time, having earned both an MBA degree and CPA Certificate. His love for…

Ironwood Men’s Golf Association

A number of IMGA members have served our country and are living quiet lives in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Many heroes walk among us! Thank you for your service! Rules, Doug Stodgel AGA will hold a Rules seminar in the Oakwood ballroom on Jan. 15, 2025, from noon…