Computer Booters News

Alyssa Carter

Helen Seaton, Publicity Director The next virtual meeting of the Computer Booters Club will be on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, beginning at 10 a.m. Please note the meeting time. Our speaker will be Alyssa Carter from the Ed Robson Library. Alyssa is a library paraprofessional and has worked at various libraries in the Maricopa County…

Dreams Are Not Only for the Young

Rabbi Dr. Irwin Wiener, Spiritual Leader, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Several years ago, I read a story about a man who owned a horse ranch and had agreed to let the house on his ranch be used for a benefit to assist the needy. When he introduced the speaker, he told of his motive for…

Zumba With Mary

Mary Tyree

Mary Tyree Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It’s time to celebrate the wearing of the green! Let’s start the party and get ready for St. Patrick’s Day. Woohoo! This is your ticket for the most awesome workout ever. Join me and the rest of the great Zumba crew at CWPV Fitness Center for the total workout…

Hits & Misses Bowling League

Ruth Andersen As reported in the January Splash, Team 6, So Close (Joanne Ragan-Foster, Pat Smith, David Dahl, and Steve Hull), came in first place. Team 8, EFPC (Frank Smith, Fran Bowman, Bob Brogan, and Tammy Visser), came in second place. Congratulations to all! High Scratch Series: 1/04. Men: Hank Mathias 539, Rick Bell 629;…

Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson Thankfully, pertaining to the virus epidemic we’re facing, there has been a welcome amount of progress being made. As of Jan. 11, the virus vaccine was made available to those who met the Class B requirements, and for those who were able to get an appointment, things went relatively smoothly…

Speed = Trouble

Rover’s Rest Stop It’s really no surprise that some dogs attack their meals as though they haven’t eaten in days and may never eat again. However, dogs who down their dinners in the blink of an eye are more likely to create problems for themselves than those who eat at a more leisurely pace. If…