2024 Christmas Lineup at FBCSL!

The Christmas season calendar at First Baptist Church Sun Lakes (FBCSL) will once again prove to be a month-long celebration of joy over the Savior, Who was sent to earth for all mankind (read Luke 2). Here’s the lineup: Saturday, Nov. 30, at 4 p.m.: Luke Yates, formerly with The Legacy Project (three Emmys), will…

Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association

If you like to golf, this is a great bunch of guys! Build new friendships, play for fun, or be competitive. We play most Saturdays year round. Four times a year, we have two-day major tournaments. Get a USGA handicap. Members have access to game improvement videos and tips from our pros. All skill levels…

CMGA September Results

Buddy Meola The Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association started the month of September with the Ace of Aces Qualifier on Oct. 7. The low gross and low net scores from each flight will qualify for the Ace of Aces Tournament, which will be held in December. Blue Flight: Low Gross Jim Rumpler, Low Net Steven Bennett…

Softball Player Profile: David Douglas

Larry Wolfe Faith, Family, and Function (or purpose): Those are the three tenets that have guided David Douglas throughout his adult life. Faith: David and his wife Leigh have always been very active in their home churches, with David serving in several lead ministry positions. Family: The Douglases have been married for over 48 years…

Play Ball! Again!

Larry Wolfe The fall sessions for both the Lakes and Sun Divisions “kicked off” (oops, that’s a football term, not softball!) on Oct. 29 and will continue through Dec. 20, with each of our eight teams playing an 18-game schedule (nine doubleheaders). This session’s managers in the Lakes Division are Gary Hillabolt, Dennis Kennedy, Dave…