Tag: Aero Club

Aero Club announces 2018-2019 speakers

Gary Vacin A wide variety of aviation-related presentations, including a talk on the events leading up to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, will highlight the first three gatherings for the Sun Lakes Aero Club’s 2018-19 season. The November 19 speaker will be retired USAF and Commemorative Air Force member Jim Evans. He will discuss…

Aero Club gathering hears from retired Navy pilot

  Gary Vacin A retired U.S. Navy pilot reviewed his 30-year career as a carrier-based fighter pilot during a presentation to the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering April 18. Capt. Lonny McClung told his audience that prior to his first combat mission over North Vietnam, he was absolutely terrified. “Many of my contemporaries didn’t come…

Aero Club members hear from flight attendant

  Gary Vacin Sun Lakes Aero Club members and guests heard how a Sun Lakes woman’s life story progressed from wife and mother to radio talk show host to flight attendant flying on the world stage. Karen Fischer was guest speaker at the club’s January 15 gathering at the Sun Lakes Country Club Navajo Room.…

Aero Club does breakfast at Ryan Field

  Gary Vacin The Sun Lakes Aero Club completed its first fly-in breakfast of the year on January 18 when eight members and guests flew to Ryan Field. Pilots and their passengers included Eldon Smith in Ken Carpenter’s Grumman AA-1B, Jack Hite in Mark Weiss’ Piper Archer, Paul Beeks in his Bellanca Cruismaster, Hank Beliema…