Tag: DAR

DAR attends Banner Fall Board

Suzanne Young (left) and Barbara Grimes (right) with state regent's banner

Toni Bolling Lutter November 1 to 3, Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) joins 41 other Arizona DAR chapters at the Fall Board of Management in Tucson, where the State Regent’s banner holds special meaning for the Sun Lakes chapter. The banner is the work of Sun Lakes’ Barbara Grimes, a noted quilter…

DAR serves during National Literacy Month

Lesley Baran, Chair, DAR School Committee

Toni Bolling Lutter In September, Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) observed National Literacy Month through collections for deserving organizations. Lesley Baran, Chair, DAR School Committee, collected supplies for The Crossnore School and Children’s Home, and Judy Putnam, Chair, Literacy Promotion Committee, collected books for clients of Matthew’s Crossing. The Crossnore School and…

DAR takes top awards in arts

Joan Johnson with winning painting

Toni Bolling Lutter Marjorie Nelson, Regent, Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), has announced that Joan Johnson took first place in DAR’s national American Heritage contest for her multi-media painting Aunt Helen. Johnson is a three-time national winner of the contest. Additionally, Laker Mary Knape took national second place for a pastel of…

DAR students take chapter and state honors

Toni Bolling Lutter Marjorie Nelson, DAR Regent, has announced that two of Gila Butte chapter winners in DAR’s American History Essay contest went on to win at the state level, as well. The state winners were honored at Arizona DAR State Conference, where they received a certificate and a medal. American History Committee is a…

DAR boutique successfully raises project funds

Toni Bolling Lutter Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) celebrated a year of successes by sending a large delegation to the Arizona DAR State Conference at We-Ko-Pa Resort, Scottsdale/Fountain Hills. In addition to DAR leaders from around the state, in attendance were State Regents from California and New Mexico, as well as guests…

Breakfast is served as DAR supports Honor Flight

Toni Bolling Lutter Cheers, tears and breakfast were waiting at Sky Harbor Airport when veterans arrived for their March 19 Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) served continental breakfast and mingled with the veterans of WWII and Korea, while Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) distributed patriotic, hand-decorated…

DAR magazine support

Toni Bolling Lutter Marjorie Nelson, Regent of Gila Butte Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), has announced that the chapter receives high marks for chapter support of the DAR Magazine, American Spirit. The magazine is an award-winning, bi-monthly publication reaching more than 250,000 readers. Nelson is also the Arizona State Chair for…

DAR awards Founders Medal

Left to right: Carole Jones, Special Committee Chair, and Diane Middents

Toni Bolling Lutter At its January 2019 general meeting, Gila Butte Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), awarded the Society’s Ellen Hardin Walworth Medal for Patriotism to Diane Middents. The medal was presented by Carole Jones, Special Committee Chair. Each of DAR’s four Founders Medals honors an individual 21 years or older who has…

DAR provides Arizona materials to national library

Toni Bolling Lutter Mary Wolf, Librarian, Gila Butte Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and former State DAR Librarian, has announced that the DAR Library has accepted two manuscripts which address Arizona heritage: Images of America: Chandler, Arizona and Histories of Pioneering Cattle Ranches. The manuscripts will take their place in the prestigious collection in…

DAR supports State Regents Project

In December, Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented a craft sale at Renaissance Retirement Community in support of the Arizona DAR State Regent’s Project. All crafts were created by Arizona DAR members. Every State Regent identifies a “project,” and every such project backs one of the three objectives of DAR: 1) historic…