Richard Volpe Desert Navy is an organization based locally here in the Sun Lakes area, although it has several active members from surrounding areas around the county. Its primary goal is to provide help and support to those veterans and others who are in need. To support that, we maintain a warehouse that contains a…
Tag: events
April 2024, Generals
Supporting Animal Rescues

Time and time again, we get asked, “My condition currently restricts mobility to volunteer. How can we support a rescue?” First, a little about rescues and volunteering. About the Rescue Dogs: Each rescue dog is unique, and each one comes from a very different environment, type of socialization, neglect, abuse, or even abandonment. Sometimes their…
April 2024, Generals
Wouldn’t You Like to Lessen the Stress of Traveling When You Have a Hearing Loss?
Join us on Thursday, April 11, from 12:45 to 2:30 p.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, in Sun Lakes, when our very own Roz Seibold, VP HLAA East Valley Chapter, will present a topic that is sure to be beneficial when you have travel plans. Roz will discuss strategies whether…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Fit and Fun Club
Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in the Cottonwood Country Club Phoenix Room (inside the Computer Learning Center). The…
April 2024, Sports
Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk Mark your calendar! The spring luncheon is April 7 in the Saguaro Room at the Cottonwood clubhouse. Doors open at 11 a.m. Lunch choices are a prime rib sandwich or a Maui chicken salad. Reservations are available with your flight leader. Table games and raffle drawings always make for a fun afternoon. Monday…
April 2024, Generals
Sheriff’s Posse to Hold Shred-A-Thon and Drug Take-Back April 27
Bill Shedd The semi-annual Shred and National Drug Take-Back event will be held on Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. until noon, and the Drug Take-Back from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at 10440 E. Riggs Road (northeast corner of Riggs Road and Alma School Road). The Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse, the Arizona Attorney General’s…
April 2024, Generals
Neighbors Who Care – April 2024
Neighbors Who Care: ‘Keeping Company’—Respite Care Is Simply Visiting with a Neighbor Remember the days when the crickets were chirping outside and the kids were scrambling to collect fireflies in jars and sitting on the porch keeping company with the neighbors? Shooting the breeze was the way we kept in touch before we scrolled through…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Keep on Rollin’

Harry Huckemeyer The Short Line Model Railroad Club had put in place a busy agenda for the first half of 2024, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to make a few adjustments. The Open House at the Arizona Railroad Museum was scheduled for February, but it had to be delayed and eventually…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
The Camera Club Swings into Spring

Ken Duquaine On March 9 the Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) played host to the Arizona Camera Club Council’s (ACCC) Spring Roundup. ACCC is a federation of 17 camera clubs in Arizona whose purpose is to promote the mutual enjoyment of photography, to encourage the advancement of its members in the knowledge and contributions to…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Agave Quilt Guild

Mary La Tourelle Show and Tell is a favorite part of our Agave Quilt Guild’s meetings when members show off the items they have made. At our March meeting Ginger Mays showed her “monster” wall hangings, Vicki Reed showed her placemat totes, and Mary Shelton showed a quilt of aboriginal fabrics she will be gifting…