Recently, the ImproVables were asked to conduct a workshop for another senior community’s volunteer theatre group—The Provincials of Maricopa. Their president Marilyn Larrain said, “We had a great time! The ImproVables have given us a lot to think about and to plan for.” Phyllis Novy, director of The ImproVables, enjoyed the interaction of the two groups…
Tag: events
December 2023, Generals
Tuesday Nights Together in December
Cathy Smoot Sun Lakes United Methodist Church (SLUMC) at 9248 E. Riggs Road hosts Tuesday Nights Together (TNT), a series of free programs, every month! Topics vary from lively and entertaining to serious and informative. A light meal will be offered for a free-will offering at 5 p.m., and the presentation starts at 5:30 p.m.…
December 2023, Clubs & Classes
Cheers Social Group Activities
Cheers Trip Opportunities: Nine Cheers members traveled to Greece for a trip that included spending nights in Athens and on the islands of Mykonos and Santorini. They enjoyed many beautiful sites, great food, and lots of exercise! There are several trips through Free Spirit Vacations and Dream Cruise Adventures still available in 2023, including Pasadena Tournament…
December 2023, Generals
Do You Have What It Takes?
Publicity Committee Ever thought that you’d like to show off a talent that you have? Now is your chance. If you live in Sun Lakes or have a relative in the community, you can audition for the upcoming Winter Dinner & Variety Show sponsored by Sun Lakes Community Theater! It’s easy to do. Auditions are…
Generals, December 2023
Join Us for a Musical Christmas at Women’s Connection
Kristy DeCleene Please join us on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 10 a.m. in the Oakwood clubhouse ballroom, at 24218 S. Oakwood Blvd., in Sun Lakes. A continental breakfast will be served (gluten-free available upon request with reservation), along with live music and followed by a guest speaker. The cost is $20, including tax and gratuity,…
December 2023, Generals
Be a Santa Claus!
Jim Meagher It’s here again! We are surrounded by commercials, promotions, the sale of Christmas trees, indoor and outdoor holiday decorations, and seasonal foods to enjoy with family and friends. There is no escape from it in the shopping malls, our mailbox, or sign-twirlers on street corners. While this is taking place, the guests whom…
Clubs & Classes, December 2023
Friday Morning Warm-Up Practice Bridge
Join us on Fridays from 10 a.m. to noon in the Ladies Card Room (A-2) in Cottonwood for a very low-key and non-competitive opportunity to brush up on your bridge play or to practice hands. This is not a class. This is a drop-in group. You do not need to sign up in advance—just show…
December 2023, Generals
SLCT’S ‘Rex’s Exes’ Played to Sold-Out Crowds

Publicity Committee Sun Lakes Community Theatre (SLCT) performance tickets are a hot commodity around here. The recent run of their fall production, Rex’s Exes, played to full houses every show, and the tickets were all purchased before the show even opened! SLCT thanks everyone for their wonderful support! And the crowds were not disappointed. Comedy…
December 2023, Features
Happy Holidays
Generals, September 2023
Risen Savior Lutheran Church Rummage Sale October 20-21
Risen Savior Lutheran Church is having their annual Rummage Sale on Oct. 20-21 from 7 a.m. to noon at the south building located at 23914 Alma School Road in Sun Lakes.