Tag: events

Christmas in October Yard Sale

Diana Moore The Christmas in October Yard Sale is on Saturday, October 12, from 8 a.m. until everything is gone, at 2365 S. Longmore Street, Chandler. This is a Win-Win for Sharing Downs Syndrome of Arizona and Chandler Lions Club, nonprofits that give back to our community. Items for sale are lights (inside and outside), wreaths,…

You are invited to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball

Denise Lott Veterans Day and the birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps are approaching in November. In keeping with tradition, our East Valley Marine Corps League’s Sun Lakes Detachment 1296 is hosting its annual Birthday Ball. The Ball will be on Saturday, November 9, at the Oakwood Country Club. The public is invited to enjoy…

“Eat for a Cure” fundraiser event to be held October 5

Ataxia awareness fundraising dinner - Tracy Sanders, motivational speaker

Mary Fuchs The Arizona Ataxia Support Group, associated with the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF), is planning a fundraising dinner event on Saturday, October 5, 2019. The event, “Eat For A Cure,” will be at The Old Spaghetti Factory, 3155 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler, AZ. We are striving to increase ataxia awareness in addition to raising…

CEO of Arizona Israel Technology Alliance to speak at Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation – open to the public

Lieb Bolel

Michael Cohen, MD Lieb Bolel, the President and CEO of the Alliance, will speak on “Tech in Israel and the Power of the American: Impacting U.S. Israel Relations beyond Political Advocacy,” on October 27, 2019, at 3 p.m. Bolel oversees the facilitation of growth in bilateral trade, technology, innovation, and government initiatives between Arizona and…

Crystal Awards nominations

Crystal Awards are presented each year to honor individuals who have demonstrated exemplary service and contributions to the betterment of the Sun Lakes Community. Nomination forms are available at all Sun Lakes clubhouses or online at Sunlakescountryclub.com, IronOaksAZ.com, or CottonwoodPaloVerde.com. Nominate a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance whose volunteer service has helped make our community a…

Sun Lakes Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes

Message from the President Anne Montgomery Dear Homeowners, As we see our Fitness Activity Center construction project nearing the finish line, your Board of Directors has recently given their approval of the fees to be paid for the preliminary designs of two (2) Capital Improvement projects put forward to the Board by the Facilities &…