Tag: events

You’re the cure

Sue Schwartz I know how things can kind of blur together during the start of a new year, and I don’t want you to miss this. The reason I’m so excited about this project – and why it is so needed in our community – is that it hits at the heart of what I…

Part two – March 31

  Join us on Sunday, March 31, from 8:40 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. at 23914 S. Alma School Road, Chandler, AZ, for a two-part series on “Preventative Care.” Part two will cover funeral planning, hospice, long-term disability insurance and The Foundation. This event will be held in our Fellowship Hall and is sponsored by the…

How’s your rock collection coming along?

Start your own rock collection, just like this.

Doug Williams So, you went to Tucson and visited the 65th Annual Tucson Rock & Gem Show and now you’re ready to become a “rock hound” and start your own rock collection. Well, here’s the information you’ve been waiting for… How to Start: A “rock hound” is an amateur collector of rocks and minerals. It’s…

Honor our vets at annual Poppy Ball – March 9

David and Angie Freedline, chairs of the annual Poppy Ball, Saturday, March 9

Sun Lakes Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8053 invites everyone to join them in honoring our veterans at the annual Poppy Ball held at the Sun Lakes Country Club, Arizona Room, on Saturday, March 9. Music for entertainment and dancing is provided by Thaddeus Rose from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Five hundred dollars…

Wildcats Jazz Band concert happening March 24

  Helen Daley If you listen to musicians talk, they will often be making fun of the banjo player. “What do you call a guy who hangs around a bunch of musicians?” Reply, “A banjo player.” OR “Why does everyone pick on banjo players?” Answer, “Because it’s so easy.” Rob Wright is the leader of…

Free Real Estate Seminar

  FREE Real Estate Seminars will be presented by Realtor Kathy Heinemann. Local professionals in real estate, lending, title and inspection services will present and answer your questions. Home Buyers – March 5 from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. at Oakwood Clubhouse, Bradford Room We will cover topics such as: What to look for when buying…

Healing with essential oils

  The next oil sharing will be on March 6, the first Wednesday, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. In March, we are making two blends: 1) for the rejuvenation of the facial muscles and diminishing wrinkles, and 2) for memory. As we age, the renewal of each cell slows down. The body is not quickly…

An invitation to Lenten soup and evening prayer

  Lent is a season that encourages people gathering together to strengthen their friendships and relationships and to join in prayer together. Sun Lakes United Church of Christ would like to invite the Sun Lakes community to join them for Lenten soup and prayer on Wednesdays, March 13 and 27 and April 3 and 17,…

Help honor these 2019 Crystal Award recipients

Left to right: Judy Gahide, IO; Herb Lienenbrugger, IO; Jeanne Becker, SLCC; Dick Eslick, IO; Mary Middleton, IO; George Thomas, CWPV; Richard Hawkes, CWPV; Frank Gould, CWPV; Bill Gates, IO (not pictured])

These honorees have served the Sun Lakes community to make it a better place to live. Community members are encouraged to show their appreciation by attending the annual gala banquet to honor these recipients on March 10 at 5:00 p.m. at Oakwood. A cocktail hour with a no-host bar will provide time to congratulate the…