Tag Archive for golf

Golf Fore Life Annual Tournament

Liz DeMichael, Publicity Many members of the Palo Verde Ladies’ and Men’s Golf Associations (PVLGA and PVMGA) are survivors of cancer. Fortunately, they can still play golf. The PVLGA, together with the PVMGA, asks for your help in raising funds to end cancer by signing up to play in the November 14, 2017, Golf Fore…

PVMGA August 2017 Tournament results

Bob Armstrong – Publicity Watching disastrous hurricane news coverage and wondering why we complain about heat and some humidity… We are blessed, even in summer, to be living in Sun Lakes, Arizona! The competitors in our Association continue to enjoy their Saturday morning outings, and we are very pleased to report the results of their…

Save the Date – OLGA Charity Golf Tournament

Shirley Weaver On Tuesday, December 5, 2017, the Oakwood Ladies Golf Association will hold its annual Charity Event. This year, our charity will be The American Service Animal Society. ASAS is a state-wide nonprofit organization dedicated to enabling disabled veterans to live a more productive life through the use of service animals. They are funded…

Oakwood Nine Hole Couples Golf League

Sandy Krediet Oakwood Nine Holes Golf Couples League starts on November 10 at 2:00 p.m. It is a unique time to experience noncompetitive golf and to meet new people. The emphasis is on FUN not scores. This bimonthly Friday afternoon league meets through the first week in May. Golf is followed by dinner and lively…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

Verla Matuschka Perhaps you’ve been thinking of playing a little golf this fall and meeting new people in the community. There is a special place for you to golf, have fun and socialize with a group of friendly ladies. It is the Sun Lakes Lady Niners Golf League. This league is a smaller group, including…

Niners July golf results

Jim Wegman Wow, the heat is on here in Sun Lakes, but that has not kept our golfers away from our Friday play-days. Winners: 7/07/17 Low Net Lakes. Flight A: 1st Jerry Richards, 2nd Bob Pender, 3rd Paul Bobko, 4th Phil Hotchkiss, 5th (tie) Ed Allen, Bruce McCorkle; Flight. B: 1st (tie) Dennis Clark, John Gaudioso,…

ILGA summer league winners

Left to right: Kathy Jones, Julie Curran, Penny Nowicki (all three from Palo Verde) and Ironwoods own Randi Rex

Marcella Brown, Publicity Chairperson Here is our lineup of excellent golfers who won the July Summer League played at Ironwood: Kathy Jones, Julie Curran, Penny Nowicki (all three from Palo Verde) and Ironwood’s own Randi Rex. All you members who are far and wide this time of the year, it’s time to think about finding…

IWLN meet for breakfast

IWLN staying cool at the Stone & Barrel Restaurant

Nancy Davis, Publicity On July 19, we changed our play day golf routine from social time on the Ironwood patio to a cool social time “Annual” breakfast at the Stone & Barrel Restaurant at Oakwood (previously held at the Poolside Cafe). Ladies who joined in this event were Deb Burns, Nancy Davis, Rachel Enloe, Denise…

Sun Lakes Lady Golfers 18 Holers results

Nancy Field Red, White and Blue: Flight 1: 1st (tie) Dang Parker, Terri Mandt, 2nd Julie Hamlin, 3rd Linda Hillyard; Flight 2: 1st Debbie Martin, 2nd Judi Kilgus, 3rd Dori Winchester Best Nine Net Holes: Flight 1: 1st (tie) Dang Parker, Jan Fletcher, 2nd (tie) Debra Emerick, Iris Cannaday, Joyce Switzky, Kelly Dennis, 3rd (tie)…

CLGA news

Mary Nelson Results of the CLGA Scramble event on July 13 – 1st Place (tie) teams of Penny Nowicki, Val Verbeck and Rose Hames and Nadine Sanders, Julie Curran and Virginia Diers Results of the CLGA Least Putts event on July 20 – Flight 1: 1st Mikki Rydell, 2nd Julie Curran, 3rd Penny Nowicki; Flight…