Tag: golf

ILGA Membership Drive

Susan Utzinger The Ironwood Ladies’ Golf Association (18 hole league) will hold its annual membership drive on Thursday, December 10. Ladies who are seriously considering joining a golf league are most welcome to join us for a round of golf that day. Green fees are complimentary and you will be paired with other ILGA members.…

Niners results – September 2015

Jim Wegman, Publicity Let’s welcome back our winter golfers. Folks have closed up their summer cottages and park models and are back in Sun Lakes for the season. Our mid-western members have packed up their cars made the long drives and are returning weekly. Our play lists are starting to increase and it is good…

Men’s Oakwood Golf Association

Bob Greene, Publicity Welcome back to everyone who was gone during the past few months. You missed some very nice hot days. All the courses are open and, as you can see, they are in excellent condition. Congratulations to all the staff and workers for a job well done. The No. 5 hole on the…

Oakwood Lady Niners active during overseeding

OLNGA volunteers (left to right) Karen Kenyon, Sharon Gale and Suevonne Negaard.

Ann Rounthwaite Because the Oakwood golf courses are over seeded in October, it is the only month of the year when members of the Oakwood Lady Niners Golf Association don`t play golf together. Hardy Lady Niners play non-league games during the summer. Then the number of players swells when organized league games begin in November.…

PVMGA September results

Jim Davis, Publicity We started the results for this newsletter on September 12. We played a Select-A-Drive format and the winning team was Cliff Joyce, Norm Elbery, Rich Featherstone and Ray Masuca with a score of 92. On September 19 we played a Three Best Balls Net format and the winning team with a 159…

CMGA news and scores

Results of recent events: 9/05. Morning: Ace of Aces Qualifier – Flight 1: 1st Net Gary Hunnel, Bob Schaedel, Gary Whiting and Tony Hames; Flight 2: 1st Net Julian Pickens, 2nd Willian Greer and Neil Lilley; Flight 3: 1st Net Bill Jablonske, 2nd Brad Wilson; Flight 1: 1st Gross Ed Frees, 2nd Tom Wilheim; Flight…

SLLGA 18 Holers results

Joey Danforth (middle) pictured with Louise Keyack and Pinky Kubiak celebrated her 99th birthday with the SLLGA.

Nancy Field 9/08. Red, White, Blue Scramble – 1st place team Debra Emerick, Pinky Kubiak, Betty Reagan and Brenda Icenogle, 2nd place team Donna Smid, Pearl Martin, Judi Kilgus and Betty Peer, 3rd place team (tie) Marylou Claypool, Donna Branscom, Lillian Look and Sarah Green and Bonnie Moore, Debbi Ebel, Judy Mical and Nettie Dingler…

Play day opens Cottonwood Lady Niners’ season

Lila Ritchie Cottonwood’s Lady Niners open their golf season with a Play Day and meeting Thursday, November 5. “We’ll be playing for Low Net honors on the back nine,” announces President Bette Lu Buchanan, “but having fun will be the order of the day!” That, however, is not unusual as the membership of about 85…

ILGA November notice

Vicki Carmichael and Nancy Dinkleman play golf in well coordinated, if spontaneous golf clothing!

Marcella Brown With over seeding completed we are ready for our new golf season! Plan to attend the November 5 luncheon after morning play. The 2016 officers’ election will take place at this time. Help us welcome our returning snowbirds with as many high fives as you can manage! In quick succession, the following Thursday,…