Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in the Cottonwood Country Club Phoenix Room (inside the Computer Learning Center). The…
Tag: health
May 2024, Clubs & Classes
Julie’s Fitness
Julie Bauman invites you to come to her classes at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. For the past 15 years, Julie has been teaching Group Fitness in the Chandler, Sun Lakes, and South Gilbert area. She currently has punch cards available 10 for…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Fit and Fun Club
Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in the Cottonwood Country Club Phoenix Room (inside the Computer Learning Center). The…
March 2024, Features
The Next Step to Better Health by Organizing Your Medical Records
Kim Kubsch In our younger years, typically, medical records are not in clear focus. As the years add up, medical records expand, just like our waistlines! The best way to truly keep ahead of your health is to record each medical appointment or activity. After your appointments, preparing written or typed notes and follow-up activities,…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
Fit and Fun Club
Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in the Cottonwood Country Club Phoenix Room (inside the Computer Learning Center). The…
March 2024, Features
Reflexology and Your Health

Kathleen Ismael Touch is a basic human need. Studies have shown that infants who receive minimal care and seldom experience touch in early months will experience emotional and behavioral impact.* This need for connection, touch, and attention follows us through our lives. Interaction keeps us thinking with a positive attitude and contributes to good health.…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Fit and Fun Club
Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in Cottonwood Country Club Room A-7. The meeting is from 9:30 to 10:30…
Religion, January 2024
Health Goals for 2024
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church If you’re reading this article, that means that we made it through yet one more year. Hopefully, 2023 was a great year for you. I hope you had new experiences, made new memories, or learned something new this year. I also hope you are ready to go for…
Generals, January 2024
Speaker of the Month Presentation January 13
Join us on Saturday, Jan. 13, from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, Classroom 1, for a free presentation sponsored by the Cottonwood Recreation Department and the Sun Lakes Women’s Association. The speaker will be Marti Burton, BS CN, of Personalized Nutrition Concepts (602-980-5959), and the topic will be “Revitalize Your…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Julie’s Fitness Classes
Julie Bauman invites you to come to her classes at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. For the past 15 years, Julie has been teaching Group Fitness in the Chandler, Sun Lakes, and South Gilbert area. She currently has punch cards available 10 for…