Tag: health

Julie’s Fitness Classes

Julie Bauman invites you to come to her classes at the new Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center on Mondays and Fridays at 8 and 9 a.m., and now also Wednesdays at 8 and 9 a.m.! For the past 15 years, Julie has been teaching Group Fitness in the Chandler, Sun Lakes, and South Gilbert area.…

Yoga Is for Everyone!

Margie Parrish, YA Instructor Yoga is not just for flexible and Gumby-type bodies. A regular yoga practice will help you improve your balance and posture, teach you how to breathe more efficiently, and give you core strength to protect your low back. Most professional athletes do yoga to sharpen their concentration and keep their body…

Are You or Your Loved One Living with Dementia?

Sheryl Keeme, Executive Director If so, join us for an introduction to Memory Café and The Perfect Place on Monday, June 14, at 9:30 a.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience how Memory Café and The Perfect Place could support your family. Program: 9:30 to 10 a.m. Enjoy refreshments while mingling with other families 10…

Is the Memory Café Right for Me? What Is It, You Ask?

Sheryl Keeme The Memory Café is an inviting place for friends, family members, or caregivers living with dementia or cognitive decline in themselves or their loved ones. Whether that cognitive decline is from a stroke, Parkinson’s disease, age, health-related complications, or dementia, a welcoming door at Memory Café is wide open for all. Each Monday…

2 Your Health: Meet Dr. Howell

Dr. Kent J. Howell

Dr Howell and Trisha Guerrero, Marketing Director Dr. Kent J. Howell, a prosthodontist and owner of Revive Dental Implant Center in Mesa, Ariz., is a caring and empathetic professional who has a passion for helping others and for creating new smiles. Dr. Howell has the ability to bring a unique perspective to treating his patients,…

Zumba with Mary: Bring Your Valentine to Zumba

Mary Tyree Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so bring your Valentine and join me on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center, and together we’ll build a healthy and vibrant Sun Lakes lifestyle. My Zumba Fitness class is tailored to our age group, as well as modified to meet…

Yoga: Vinyasa Style

Sheila Axtman “My Yoga Story: I’m Bill Gosiak. In January of 2016, I met Sheila Axtman when she came to an open house I was holding at a nice home on the golf course, in Cottonwood (I’m a realtor). Sheila and her and husband George ended up buying the house, and in the course of…

Sign Up for Your Vaccine Appointment

The COVID-19 vaccine is here. Maricopa County has set up several Points of Distribution (POD) locations throughout the Valley for 1A and 1B prioritized groups ages 65 and older, with more expected as vaccine availability increases. Please visit www.maricopa.gov/5659/COVID-19-Vaccine-Locations to see locations and how to register for your appointment. Please visit www.maricopa.gov/5641/COVID-19-Vaccine for vaccine status…

Blood Drive Set for February 23

Dean Athmer The Sun Lakes Posse will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The address is 9531 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes. The event will be held in the meeting room, with plenty of space to comply with social distancing requirements. Here are the…

Julie’s Fitness Classes

Julie Bauman Julie Bauman invites you to come to her classes at the new Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center Mondays and Fridays at 8/9 a.m., and now also Wednesdays at 8:30/9:30 a.m.! For the past 15 years, Julie has been teaching group fitness in the Chandler, Sun Lakes, and South Gilbert area. She is currently…