Tag: Neighbors Who Care

NWC Executive Director Retires

Neighbors Who Care Executive Director Eric Ehst

Elizabeth Vaughan It is with great admiration and sadness that we announce the retirement of Neighbors Who Care Executive Director Eric Ehst. Eric’s stewardship and expertise have been a great contribution to the continued growth and success of Neighbors Who Care, and has made the organization one of Arizona’s most respected nonprofits. Mr. Ehst is…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc.

Ginger Voltmer

2019 City of Chandler Volunteer of the Year, Ginger Voltmer Elizabeth Vaughan Congratulations to Ginger Voltmer who has been named Volunteer of the Year in the “Sunbeam” category by the City of Chandler! Ginger has been a volunteer with Neighbors Who Care since 2016, and has become one of our most versatile and dependable resources.…

Neighbors Who Care: Volunteering in the New Decade

Elizabeth Vaughan, Neighbors Who Care Neighbors Who Care is a unique organization, because Sun Lakes has a unique population. With no city services, a need presented itself 25 years ago, and Sun Lakes congregants responded. A group of churches created Neighbors Who Care to assist homebound seniors with grocery shopping and household duties that they…

25 Years of Neighbors Who Care

Eric Ehst, Executive Director It’s hard to believe, but Neighbors Who Care is finishing up its 25th year of service. In November 1994, some Sun Lakes residents noticed that many of their neighbors could no longer drive to the grocery store, and they banded together to help out. With the support of the Interfaith Council…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, INC

Respite Care: Caring for the Caregiver Elizabeth Vaughan November is National Caregiver’s Month, and this year’s theme is “Caregiving around the clock.” Anyone who has had the experience of caring for a loved one knows that it’s not a 9 to 5 gig, as many challenges present themselves around bedtime or even late at night. Being…

You are a volunteer! Whether you know it or not

Eric Ehst, Executive Director America is known as the land of the rugged individualist. We think of our nation as having been built by intrepid pioneers, prospectors, inventors, and entrepreneurs. But that’s only half the story. Where would we be without the Minutemen who volunteered to help win our freedom, the neighbors who gathered for…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc

  When good things become great Neighbors Who Care is proud to be a founding partner of Creative Engagement Partners. The coalition of community leaders known as Sun Lakes Creative Engagement Partners, which was established to enrich the lives of family members of people living with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and memory impairment, is experiencing a metamorphosis.…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc.

Summer’s here and we need your help Eric Ehst, Executive Director Over 700 of our disabled, homebound and frail neighbors rely on Neighbors Who Care to make sure they can get to lifesaving medical appointments, get groceries or hot meals, receive welfare checks or have access to other services that allow them to continue living…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care Inc.

Planning ahead for life’s unexpected circumstances Life after 60 is great! You’re older, wiser and still going strong. Or maybe life has thrown you a curve and you need a little extra support. Whatever your situation, it’s important to educate yourself on the services available to you… especially before you need them. Neighbors Who Care…