With many dressing for the occasion, Oakwood 18-hole couples celebrated St. Patrick’s Day during golf and dinner on March 11.
Mary Dyrseth Due to several of our members being under the weather, a slightly smaller Oakwood couples group enjoyed the nice weather and quick play on Friday, December 28. We also helped Carole Schmidt celebrate her “something something” (ends in a 1) birthday. Yours truly helped Carole finish off, under the glittering lights, a…
Linda Smith Do you want to meet other golfing couples? Oakwood Couples is the league for you! Liz and Harry are a fun couple of golfers and the past presidents in 2012/2013. Generally, we golf twice a month on Friday afternoons. You can play from any tee box, increasing your golf fun. The league starts…
Linda Smith Are you one of those golfers who dreams of hitting the green in regulation? Well, make your dreams come true with Oakwood Couples! In our league, each person can choose their tees according to their skill and comfort level. Judy plays from the forward Silver tees, and Bob plays from the medium White…
Linda Smith We’re just like the Phoenix Open; setting attendance records in 2017! We had a full field of 128 golfers on January 28. Even in the bitterly cold wind, there were no cancellations and every couple finished. Congratulations to the Executive Committee for doing a wonderful job of promoting our league. We golf as…
Carole Schmidt If you are interested in joining a great group of people to play golf as a couple, consider joining Oakwood Couples 18 Hole Golf League. Our goal is to play golf, have fun and meet new people. You do not have to live in IronOaks or Sun Lakes to be a member. We…