Tag: Rovers Rest Stop

New! Emergency Program

Rover’s Rest Stop is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves the Sun Lakes community and the surrounding area. Rover’s Rest Stop is a small dog rescue that has been in business for almost 25 years. You will find Rover’s Rest Stop at the Cottonwood Country Club Art Room on the second Saturday of every month for…

Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteers are the heart and soul of any shelter or dog rescue. Rescues are 95% volunteer-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that rely on the assistance of caring and hard-working volunteers. As a rescue grows, their reliance on volunteers increases as the rescue cares for even more abandoned, abused, and neglected dogs, finding them loving, lifelong homes.…

Appreciation Is Year Round

There is a special time set aside for National Volunteer Appreciation Week, but Rover’s Kids think that every day is Volunteer Appreciation Day! They are blessed to have a wonderful team of volunteers, known as their Ambassadors! Several have been with us 10 to 15 years, and some are newbies. You may recognize them as…

Speed Equals Trouble

D. Rovers It is really no surprise that some dogs attack their meals as though they have not eaten in days and may never eat again. However, dogs who down their dinners in the blink of an eye are more likely to create problems for themselves than those who eat at a more leisurely pace.…

Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteers are the heart and soul of any shelter or dog rescue. Rescues are 95% volunteer-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, relying on the assistance of caring and hardworking volunteers. As a rescue grows, their reliance on volunteers increases, as the rescue cares for even more abandoned, abused, and neglected dogs finding them loving, life-long homes. For…

Rovers Rest Stop—A Fun-Filled New Year!

A new year is upon us, and with our “Kids” being such an important part of our lives, this is a perfect time to commit to making their health and well-being an even bigger priority. Here are just a few ideas that can improve the lives of our Kids. Measure your pet’s food—every time! An estimated…

Santa Adopted a Dog

D. Williams Yep, Santa called and wanted to adopt an older dog to keep him company while Rudolph leads the way with his bright, shiny nose. I asked Santa, “Why an older dog,” and, boy, did I get the answers! Thought I would share with you this holiday season what Santa said. First off, Santa…

Top Dog-Friendly Restaurants and Shopping

D. Williams Being out and about is much more fun with the company of our four-legged friends. These fun outings assist in socialization, learning manners, and enrichment. From restaurants and bars that offer water bowls and free treats, to the stores that gladly open their doors to our “Kids,” both you and your companion will…