Tag: softball

Lady Sluggers Season Is Underway

Larry Wolfe Our Lady Sluggers senior softball team’s 2024 season is well underway. Here is the remaining schedule: Wednesday, Feb. 7, vs. the Stingers at Sunland Village East Monday, Feb. 12, vs. View Point Gems at View Point Wednesday, Feb. 14, vs. Resort Red Sox at Sun Lakes Field of Dreams Monday, Feb. 19, vs. Sunland…

Skyview Edges Young Home Team for Lakes Title

Larry Wolfe Manager Dave Kratz’s Skyview Digital Media team edged Manager Gary Hillabolt’s Young Home Team by one game to win the Lakes Division Fall League pennant. Skyview finished with a 12-8 record, while the Young Home Team Realty squad had an 11-9 record. Doug Warwick was the top hitter, batting .783 with a slugging…

Softball Player Profile: Charlie Alley

Larry Wolfe Sixty-one years and counting! That’s how many consecutive years Charles “Charlie” Alley has been playing on organized softball teams, some fast pitch early on, but mostly slow pitch teams. From the fields of North Dakota as a teenager to the Field of Dreams in Sun Lakes as a septuagenarian, Charlie’s been playing the game…

Spooner PT Wins Division Title

Larry Wolfe The Spooner Physical Therapy-sponsored team, managed by “Super Joe” Commisto, ran away with the Sun Division Fall title, sporting a record of 16 wins and only 4 losses. Manager Jon Hendrikse’s Redeemed Team finished a distant second at 9-11. The Top 10 hitters in the Division were George Siegele (.818), Mike Lebet (.800),…

Around the Bases

Larry Wolfe There must be something about the cooler weather that’s stimulating a deluge of record-breaking offensive performances in our fall softball season. On Nov. 10 there were 171 runs scored in our two doubleheaders. That’s an average of nearly 43 runs per game! In game one that day, the Spooner PT squad scored 18…

Lady Sluggers Are Ready for Opening Day

Larry Wolfe Our Lady Sluggers senior softball team opens their 2024 season at home at the Field of Dreams on Wednesday, Jan. 3. Their opponent on opening day will be the View Point Gems. The first pitch is scheduled for noon. The Sluggers are members of the 10-team Valley of the Sun League. The remainder of…

Softball Player Profile: Dennis Henderson

Larry Wolfe Music has been in Dennis Henderson’s DNA since the third grade when he started playing the string bass in a youth orchestra. By the time he was a sophomore at Arcadia (Calif.) High School, he was playing the electric bass guitar in his own rock ‘n’ roll band. He then attended Pasadena Arts College…

Softball Player Profile: Dan Malachuk

Larry Wolfe Dan Malachuk is flying high—in more ways than one! Now starting his third year in our program, Dan was named Most Improved Player in the Lakes Division last year, increasing his batting average from .566 to .683—good for a Top Ten spot. He also flies high as a pilot of 737 aircraft for…

Fall Softball Season Is Underway

Larry Wolfe Our Fall Senior Softball Season began on Oct. 31 and will continue through Dec. 18. This season’s team sponsors and managers are as follows: In the Lakes Division: A-1 Golf Carts (Mgr. Dennis Kennedy), Core Consulting (Mgr. Chris Jensen), Skyview Digital Media (Mgr. Dave Kratz), and Young Home Team Realtors (Mgr. Gary Hillabolt).…

High Heat

Larry Wolfe High heat in baseball and fast-pitch softball parlance is a term that is used to describe a pitch, usually a fastball, that is high in the strike zone. A high heat fastball tends to be a hard pitch to hit, as it is difficult for most batters to swing around quickly enough to…