Tag: Sun Lakes Hiking Club

Sun Lakes Hiking season comes to an end

Members of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club strike a pose!

Roberta Arpan While the Sun Lakes Hiking Club is winding down the 2014-2015 season, four of its adventurous members are gearing up for a grand adventure in the Grand Canyon. Mei-Mei Ahlskog, Brian Hill, Cheryl Verlander and Doug Chirhart have been training under the auspices of Certified Personal Trainer Mei-Mei in preparation for the April…

Springtime in the Desert

Sun Lakes hikers explore ruins at Coon

Roberta Arpan Spring is in the air, wild flowers are blooming and the temperatures remain moderate. The time is perfect to don your hiking boots and head for the outdoors. The Sun Lakes Hiking Club offers a wide variety of trails in the 14 scheduled hikes. Hikers and their significant others have also had the…

Hike off those extra holiday calories

Sun Lakes hikers taking a water break

Roberta Arpan The Sun Lakes Hiking Club is providing a fun and effective way to stay trim during the holiday season. In addition to the 10 regular December hikes, two special hikes have been scheduled to enhance your holiday spirit. The list of December hikes follows. A full description of each hike can be found…

Sun Lakes Hiking Club begins new season

Hikers in Sedona

The Sun Lakes Hiking Club is looking forward to an exciting season ahead. In addition to the November hikes, three special activities have been planned for members and potential members. On Friday, November 7, the Welcome Back Picnic and November meeting will begin at noon at Oasis Park in Sun Lakes Country Club. Chicken, soft…

Why I hike

Sun Lakes hikers winding around boulders in Joshua Tree National Park.

Roberta Arpan and 21 other enthusiastic Sun Lakes hikers Hiking is strenuous; the trail can be rocky, muddy and dusty; the weather might be unpredictable; venomous critters might share your trail while nasty flies and mosquitoes invade your air space; and every now and then something unexpected happens. While the chance that some of these…

Sun Lakes Hiking Club takes a look back

Members of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club enjoyed an urban hike in Scottsdale.

Roberta Arpan It all started 27 years ago when 10 to 15 active hikers found themselves with a common pursuit: finding new and interesting places to explore around the Sun Lakes area. Soon this group was gathering on Monday mornings by the Cottonwood flagpole and leaving Sun Lakes at 6:30 a.m. sharp for an adventure…