Tag: Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

Kibbutzim in Israel, Then and Now

Kibbutz Sasa 1949

Michael Cohen, MD Friends of Israel, SLJC presents Susan Bondy. She has lectured nationally on Israel, Kibbutzim, and the Dead Sea Scrolls and investing. She is currently Chairman of the Israeli American Council – Arizona. The word Kibbutz means “gathering” in Hebrew and refers to the communal settlements in Israel that began well before the…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Services Feb. 14

Joyce Spartonos, Publicity The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation, as always, would be delighted to have you join us for services on Friday, Feb. 14, at 7 p.m. in the Chapel in Sun Lakes. Under the esteemed leadership of our wonderful Rabbi, Irwin Wiener, we’ll be celebrating Tu BiShvat, The New Year of the Trees. While…

Ecumenical Program Open to All

Dr. Jasser

Geri Gould, President, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation On Tuesday, Jan. 28, and concluding on Tuesday, March 24, you are invited to attend two panels entitled Life Cycle Rituals. The first panel (in January) will explore cultural and religious rituals surrounding birth, coming of age, and marriage. The second panel (in March) will offer explanations of…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

Joyce Spartonos With the New Year celebration already behind us (where does the time go?), the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation is continuing its regularly-scheduled monthly services on the second Friday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Chapel in Sun Lakes. We are a Reform Congregation that offers something for everyone. You name it,…

Chapel Center Treasure Sale-October 18, 19

What Fun! It’s the Chapel Center’s 13th Annual Treasure Sale. We are at 9240 N. Sun Lakes Blvd., Phase 1, across the street from the clubhouse in Sun Lakes. The dates are Friday, October 18, from 7:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 19, from 7:00 a.m. until noon. The Treasure Sale will have…

Jewish New Year 5780

September is the exciting time of the year when many things begin anew! It’s the beginning of football season, the return of “snowbirds” to Arizona, the first hint of cooler weather, AND the start of Jewish New Year, 5780! Resuming on September 13, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation invites everyone to attend our regular monthly Friday…

SLJC’s Twilight Service

Summer is here, and so are the special Twilight Services that are held by Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation each summer! These shorter, informal services will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the second Friday during the months of July and August! Everyone is welcome to attend! Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement of…

Special healing service June 14

A special healing service! Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation invites everyone to attend its annual Healing Service on June 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Chapel near Riggs and Sun Lakes Blvd. This beautiful and meaningful service, led by Rabbi Irwin Wiener and Cantor Ronda Polesky, will be unique because it will not include…