Tag: Sun Lakes Womens Association

Sun Lakes Women’s Association-paying it forward

From left, Marge Shipe, Carol White, Dennis White, Judy Caniglia and Pam Yocum

Pam Yocom Sun Lakes, Arizona – “Right now, there is a need in our community to provide aid and support to our neighbors.” We’re talking of a generation that is proud and self-sufficient; they do not often ask for help,” said Dennis White, President of Sun Lakes Country Club’s Member Assistance Club, aka “MAC.” The…

Women’s Association Spring Sale underway

The winners of the 7th Annual Spring Fling Golf-o-Rama on March 5 were (left to right) Lynda Smith, Pearl Martin, Barb Hanson and Sarah Green. Congratulations, Ladies!

Colleen McKnight The Sun Lakes Women’s Association Spring Sale is going on RIGHT NOW! The sale runs Thursday, March 31, through Saturday, April 1, in the SLCC east parking lot. We’ll be featuring furniture, décor items like lamps and artwork and some vintage goods. Please stop by from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March had…

Sun Lakes Women’s Association–join us now!

The Sun Lakes new management team and our first ever Woman of the Month winner Beth Little. From left: Judy Caniglia, Sandy Bealmear, Beth Little, Marge Shipe, Pat Vachon and Sonja Diemert

Sun Lakes Women’s Association began the first meeting of 2017 by installing our new officers: President Judy Caniglia, Vice President Marge Shipe, Recording Secretary Sandy Bealmear, Treasurer Pat Vachon and Assistant Treasurer Sonja Diemert. After the installation, President Judy started the first meeting of our 43rd year of operation. The first order of business to…

Sun Lakes Women’s Association

Ellie Clark Many of you are familiar with the Sun Lakes Women’s Association and its good works. The group works year round gathering useable items for resale at the annual Bazaar each November. They pick up, clean up, price and pack these items each Monday, during our regular meeting sessions, and at other times, as…

Breast Cancer pillow

Barb Meisberger A special gift may be waiting for you. Any Sun Lakes resident who has pending treatment scheduled for breast cancer is eligible to receive a special pillow made by the members of our Sun Lakes Women’s Association. Women who have used the pillow say it offers so much comfort immediately following surgery or…