Tag: tennis

IronOaks Tennis Team is USTA National finalist

Pictured with their finalist banner are (left to right), Zev Yardeni, Gary Porter, Jim Utter, 
Ken Stanley (captain), Hal Davis, Jerry Rex, Randy McManus and Phil Messer

Ken Stanley Our USTA men’s 65 Plus 7.0 tennis team recently captured second place at the 2014 USTA League Nationals Tournament held at the Surprise Tennis Center. To qualify for Nationals, the team had to win their local USTA league and the Southwest Sectionals held last fall. At Nationals, the team defeated sectional winners from…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club hosts March madness

Winners Connie Buckley and Irwin Slown

Jerry Vance The Sun Lakes Tennis Club hosted the March Madness Tournament on March 21. A great time was had as two person teams competed to see who could win the most games in a timed format. Connie Buckley and Irwin Sloan were the winners with 23 games won in the time period. Low score…

Cottonwood Tennis Club picnic

Spencer Roberts, winner of the microphone-eating contest. Photo taken by John Langan

Rod Hayward With months of tournaments, league play and socials behind them, members of the Cottonwood Tennis Club gathered at Sisk Park March 21 to close another successful season and to bid Bon Voyage to their northerner friends, poised for the annual spring migration to cooler climates. The afternoon was filled with entertainment and skill…

Spring Fling banquet

Banquet planners Nancy and Jan

Jerry Vance The Sun Lakes Tennis Club held its annual Spring Fling Banquet on March 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country club. A social at 5:00 p.m. and dinner at 6:00 p.m. was enjoyed by members. Jan McDonald and Nancy Boland planned a great evening and meal of roast…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club news

The 2015/2016 officers of the Sun Lakes Tennis Club

Faye Haynes, Publicity The election of officers for the Sun Lakes Tennis Club was held March 11 at the monthly business meeting. The new officers for 2015/2016 are Treasurer Paul Patterson, Vice President Dan Thorsen, President Mary Jane Robinson, Secretary Betty Dunn, Interclub Scheduler Denis White; Wayne Taylor will continue as tournament director. The hosts…

IronOaks Tennis Club

Jenny Browne, new Racquet Activities Coordinator

Denise Lott IronOaks Tennis Club welcomes Jenny Browne. Jenny will hold the position of Racquet Activities Coordinator. She is excited to build great relationships with the members by planning and promoting events, clinics and assisting with tournament organization. Please check the Fitness Center for her office hours. Tennis has been a large part of her…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Court report

Cottonwood Tennis Club past Presidents are pictured (left to right): Al Wagner (2011-2013), Susan Stewart (2008-2009), Wayne Mangold (2006-2008), Bill Triquart (2002-2003), Ron Peterson (2005-2006), Keith Nelson (2010-2011), current President Adriana Michael, Mike DeMallevill (1991-1992), Judy Crane (2013-2014), Gary Tymn (2000-2001), Kelz Kelzenberg (2010-2011), Dave Bolio (1994-1995), Jack Fitzsimmons (1986-1987), John Lefebvre (1988-1989) and Frank Neu (2001-2002).

Susie Dunn Our annual Mixed Doubles Tournament that ran from February 15-20 was a huge success. There were many tight matches and when it was all over after six days of serious playing, the big winners were as follows: First Place (Red Division): Dave Cain and Denise Devereaus First Place (Green Division): Wayne Mangold and…

Jason Morton Tournament results

Jenny Browne The Jason Morton Tournament was held at the IronOaks Fitness and Racquet Club from March 5-8. This is the 13th year that IronOaks has hosted this event and with 97 participants, it did not disappoint. Many of the IronOaks Tennis members held the top two positions in their respective age groups this year.…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club news – March 2015

Officers of the Sun Lakes Tennis Club are Treasurer Dick Haynes, Vice President Betty Dunn, President Mary Jane Robinson, Secretary Nancy Sjolin, Intraclub Assistant Dennis White and Tournament Director Wayne Taylor; not pictured is Intraclub Assistant Dave Anciaux. Our club is fortunate to have these members serve; Mary Jane has held the President’s office for eight years, Dick Haynes has served as Treasurer for four years, Nancy Sjolin as Secretary for two years, Dave Anciaux has assisted our club as Tournament Director and in the scheduling for eight years, and Wayne Taylor has assisted with the scheduling for five years. This shows true dedication and you are appreciated for all the work.

Faye Haynes, Publicity The Sun Lakes Tennis Club held their monthly business meeting on February 11. We will have election of officers for 2015/2016 at the March 11 business meeting. The nominating committee comprised of Ed Campion, Paul Patterson and JoAnn Miller will have the slate of officers for our next season posted at the…

IronOaks Tennis events

Gender Doubles winners: Olena Buxton and Barb Yanke (3.5), Mike Corey and Leo Lapane (4.0), Lola Berndelli and Carmelle Davin (4.0); not pictured: Len Paulson and Jerry Geiszler (3.5)

Denise Lott The IronOaks Tennis Club Gender Doubles Tournament was held In February. Winners were Lola Bernadelli and Carmelle Davin (4.0 women), Mike Corey and Leo Lapane (4.0 men), Olena Buxton and Barb Yankee (3.5 women) and Jerry Geiszler and Len Paulson (3.5 men). Our Winter Drop-In Social, open to all Sun Lakes area players,…