Tag: The Remodeling Corner

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook There are several different objectives when choosing to do home remodeling. Often it is to customize the home to the owners’ design taste and to better facilitate their lifestyle. Some are wanting to update their kitchen and bathrooms and have more efficient appliances. Others are wanting to have their home ready to sell…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook The new year is a great time to do a personal inventory and compare the current reality with the desires in the heart. From that, resolutions are generated to improve, and often the greatest needs are about health. People want to take better care of themselves and have better relationships and be of…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook The National Association of REALTORS Research Group, together with the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), surveyed its members in 2022 to get a report on clients who had remodeled in the past year to ascertain how happy they were when living in their completed project. A Joy Score was calculated considering those…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook Houzz is a comprehensive online resource for those working on renovating their home. They conducted their largest 12th annual national survey of over 46,000 homeowners who remodeled in 2022 or had plans for a remodel in 2023 to ascertain trends in home remodeling projects and design. Faced with shortages of housing stock and…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook For over 20 years, Remodeling magazine has conducted annual surveys of over 6,000 realtors, giving them 23 home remodeling project specifications and average costs and asking, “How much would this project increase the sale price of the home?” Typically, each year the exterior cosmetic improvements (i.e., garage door, siding, stone veneer, new door)…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook According to a Houzz survey of homeowners who had recently done home remodeling, 87% said it has positively impacted their lives, and 74% said they are happier at home as a result. More people do home remodeling with the goal of customizing their house to facilitate their lifestyle rather than having a priority…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook The majority of homeowners wanting to invest in their home and enhance their lifestyle with a home remodeling project do not make a decision of whom to hire based on price, for as the saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” Price for materials and labor is relatively the same for everyone,…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook Most homeowners undergo home remodeling for their own enjoyment, personalization, and facilitating their lifestyle. The good news is the investment of beautiful design and quality construction can be considered offset by an increase in the home’s resale value. Zonda Media has published the 35th annual Cost vs. Value Report for 2022 on 22…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook Over time, we can get used to how our home looks and functions and not realize that, with some remodeling, one can level up their experience and enjoyment. The National Association of Home Builders surveyed recent home buyers and ranked the top features they wanted. Here are the top 10 and the percentage who…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook There are two major annual home remodeling industry shows: the International Builders Show (IBS) and Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) where training is offered, professionals are recognized, and vendors can showcase their products. Both offer award recognition for the most innovative and best in design for home improvement products. It is good…