Unity: Many Names of God

Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought spiritual community dedicated to living the truths taught by Jesus Christ as well as other spiritual masters. We see the good (the God) in our fellow beings and celebrate our Oneness with all the people of the world. We meet on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m,. at Sun Lakes Country Club in the Arts & Crafts Room. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin is our minister. Join us, but wear a mask.

Do you know you are as unique as a snowflake? Don’t laugh; it’s the truth. There is only one of each of us in the entire world, and no two of us have the same perception of Who and What God is. You are one of a kind in a good way, a God way. Daniel Nahmod’s song “One Power” speaks of the many ways people believe and/or describe the Invisible Power that we call God. There is Spirit, Jesus, Lord, Buddha, Bahaullah, Angel’s Wings, Heaven’s Do+or, Mohamed, Mind, Soul, Sign, Universe, Music, Mother Earth, and Father Time. Then he goes on to say that whatever name you give to God does not matter, because it is the Power of the Love in you and me that truly matters. From February-March issue of Unity Magazine, Jan Phillips says, “Let’s leave our ‘idea’ of the Sacred for an ‘experience’ of the Sacred.” We are all salt crystals in the sea of God. From head to heart, we are One with God and each other.

Activities: On Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. the Reiki group meets in person in Room A-2 at Cottonwood and also on Zoom for those who are not able to be there in person. If you want to join on Zoom, contact Mike Schneider at [email protected], and he will put you on the list.

Prayer Partners: This group meets on Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. on Zoom. If you would like to join this group, email Julia at [email protected], so she can add you to the list.

Unity Explores: We had a picnic together at Sisk Park in Palo Verde. It was announced at church and on email. Hope to see you next time.

Email: [email protected]