Unity of Sun Lakes Volunteer at Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank

Unity of Sun Lakes volunteers: Julia Norton, Val Maslowski, Diane Kugel, Kay Davis, Ellen Engel, Betty Gardner-Tuzzolino, Mary Padula, Laura Hansen

Members of Unity of Sun Lakes fulfilled a volunteer project for Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank. Unity of Sun Lakes has contributed to our local Chandler food bank for many years. On April 28, they were able to break down 42 boxes full of a variety of foods and sort the food into individual boxes. This food will be ready to fill the backpacks of the many children supported by the food bank, and also clients who come when the food bank is open to feed families in need. Perhaps you belong to a group that would like to support the food bank.

Anyone in need of food assistance can present a photo ID and register with Matthew’s Crossing to receive one Emergency Food Box each month. Emergency Food Boxes are comprised of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable foods designed to feed a family of four for up to three days. If perishable food such as bread and milk is available, that will also be distributed. If you find that you are unable to feed yourself or your family, Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank is located at 1368 Arizona Avenue, #112, in Chandler.

Comment from a client of Matthew’s Crossing: “During a time when I was in need, Matthew’s Crossing was there for me and my son. Not only did I receive healthy foods, I was always treated with respect. It can be humbling and embarrassing to ask for help when needed, but the volunteers at Matthew’s Crossing never made me feel as if I had anything to be ashamed of. Their kindness and caring helped in immeasurable ways. Thank you for being there.”

The collection for Matthew’s Crossing this month is as follows: Sun Lakes Bridge Club, 29 pounds of food and $118; Unity of Sun Lakes, 12 pounds of food and $460; Sun Lakes Democratic Club $40; and the Sun Lakes Country Club food box, 45 pounds of food. The collection totals for all of 2022 so far are 719.5 pounds of food and $2,493.

We moved the Sun Lakes Country Club Matthew’s Crossing food box from next to the reception desk to the administrative office. If you are donating food to the SLCC food box, you need to bring it to the administration desk during business hours. Hours are Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 4 p.m. Friday hours are 9 a.m. to noon. They are closed on Saturday and Sunday.

You can also bring donations on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Pickups there take place at Risen Savior Lutheran Church on Alma School Road from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the parking lot. At this location, we are able to take food and cash donations. We are so grateful to our Sun Lakes community for their generous donations. If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Engel at 480-980-6841.