Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a community of souls who seek to live a positive, healthy lifestyle. We study the teachings of Jesus and other spiritual masters in order to bring peace, love, harmony and health into our daily lives.
Many times we have said or heard someone else say, “take care.” It is an affectionate term with no specific meaning other than to be safe or be well. If you add “take care of yourself,” the meaning is enlarged. Taking care of our bodies we eat right, sleep well and get regular exercise. To take care of our minds, we read, study and interact socially with others. Taking care of our souls requires a daily practice. No one can or will be there to tell us to pray, meditate or read inspirational literature. It’s our own responsibility to do our part to be healthy in body, mind and spirit. By caring for ourselves we can also be of service to others. The gift of life is precious. Let’s honor God by gratefully taking care of his/her gift.
Sunday Celebration: Our church services are held in the Arts and Crafts Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Reverend Debbi Brown is our Minister. Coffee and fellowship follow the service.
Class: Living Originally, an eight-week study on a book by Robert Brumett, all Wednesdays through the month of April. This will be a home study and if interested, call Rev. Debbi at 602-309-1818 for address and information.
Class: Native American Flute playing class will be held April 10 at 11:00 a.m. at the Cottonwood Arts and Crafts Room. Class is 75-90 minutes long; it is not necessary to buy your own flute and suggested offering is $20. See separate article in this Splash.
Special Event: Armand and Angelina are back with their Rock/Opera. They will deliver the Sunday message and music and lots of fun as well. This event is open to the community on April 10 at 9:30 a.m. in the Arts and Crafts Room at Cottonwood. See separate article in this Splash.
Unity Explores: On April 21 from 10:30 a.m.-noon in Room A-3 at Cottonwood, Sue Ellen Allen, author, speaker, and prison expert will share about Gina’s Team, an organization that brings educational programs to prisons to inspire and empower inmate populations to strive for a better future. See separate article in this Splash.
Prayer Team: Anyone who would like to be supported by the prayer team with affirmative prayer can contact Rev. Debbi at 602-309-1818.
Reiki Circle: This group meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. For information call Lois Valleau at 480-883-6699; cell 480-432-6879.
Unity Website: Our new website is now revamped and open. Check it out at www.unityofsunlakes.com.
Opportunity to Serve: Neighbors Who Care would like volunteers. Phone 480-895-7133.