Zumba With Mary

Mary Tyree

Mary Tyree

Mary Tyree

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

It’s time to celebrate the wearing of the green! Let’s start the party and get ready for St. Patrick’s Day. Woohoo! This is your ticket for the most awesome workout ever.

Join me and the rest of the great Zumba crew at CWPV Fitness Center for the total workout you are looking for. Enjoy great music and burn a ton of calories without even realizing it. I will mix low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, low impact, calorie-burning fitness experience.

My Zumba class is tailored to our age group, and is modified to meet all current CDC and fitness center guidelines. I’ll continue to incorporate great international music and dance movements into an exhilarating and effective fitness program, and we’ll have fun in the process.

All classes are still just $5, no advanced registration needed. Drop-ins are welcome. Cottonwood Palo Verde residents will have priority if classes reach the full capacity limit.

Haven’t tried Zumba yet? Come and check it out. You can start out slow and work into the routines. There is no pressure to keep up.

Come and give my Zumba class a try and find out for yourself. Here is my March schedule:

Tuesday: 2 to 3 p.m., Zumba Gold

Wednesday: 3 to 4 p.m., Zumba Gold

Thursday: 2 to 3 p.m., Zumba Gold

I am a licensed Zumba instructor with over 30 years of fitness training in Arizona, as well as a Sun Lakes resident.

You can find me on the web at www.marytyree.zumba.com, or under licensed instructors on Zumba.com. You may also email me at marytyree.az@gmail.com, or call or text me at 480-250-9702.

See you soon.