Susan Meer The Oakwood Lady Niners Golf Association started the new decade with a Low Net game on the Sonoran. In spite of some colder weather for Arizonians, a fun time was had by all. A Low Net game was played, and the flight winners were Flight 1: 1st (tie) Joyce Parker and Bonnie Tasch,…
Category: February 2020
Religion, February 2020
Are You Aware?

Marvin Arnpriester, Senior Pastor, Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Richard Rohr, author and Franciscan monk from Albuquerque, made the following observation: “We cannot attain the presence of God because we’re already in the presence of God. What’s absent is awareness!” Jesus promised that He would never leave nor forsake us. If that is true, then…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Making Life Easier for Homeless and At-Risk Veterans
George Stahl You are welcomed and encouraged to attend the February meeting of the Jewish War Veterans Post 619 on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 9:30 a.m. We gather in the Mirror Room located inside the Administration building of the Sun Lakes Country Club. This month’s speaker is special guest Michelle Jameson of U.S. Vets-Phoenix. Michelle…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Other Card Results

Lady Joker’s Wild Hand and Foot Results Lady Joker’s Wild Hand and Foot Results Susan Gottschalk The Lady Joker’s Wild Hand and Foot card group, which meets on Thursday afternoon, gathered recently for a holiday picture. Following the games, the group enjoyed dinner at Sun Lakes Country Club. The ladies pictured are front row (left…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Update From the Sci Fi Club

Allan Levy The Sci Fi Club held its meeting on Jan. 9. As a special treat, Wende Levy served Mandel Bread. Mandelbrot cookies are an Ashkenazi Jewish dessert dating back to the early 19th century. Mandelbrot are closely related to the Italian cookies known as biscotti, which were first made in the Middle Ages. The…
Religion, February 2020
Shalom Chapter of Hadassah
Joyce Spartonos, Publicity While the month of February may be the shortest month of the year, Shalom Hadassah decided to make it long on events. While Shalom generally has one meeting per month, it turns out that for February, we’ve put together three different meetings and hope you will join us. Starting with Tuesday, Feb.…
Generals, February 2020
Stuyvesant High School

Allan Levy If any Stuyvesant High School alumni, teachers, or others would be interested in getting together, please contact me at [email protected]. Stuyvesant is consistently ranked as one of the top U.S. high schools. Currently, Stuyvesant and other elite schools are under fire. Bronx High School of Science folks are also invited.
Generals, February 2020
Palo Verde Road Management Update
Philip J. Montgomery, President All Palo Verde Sun Lakes homeowners are automatically a member of Palo Verde Road Management Inc. and have a vested interest in how our private streets are operated and maintained. Palo Verde Road Management “Association” is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation under and by the laws of the State of Arizona and…
Sports, February 2020
Sun Lakes Tennis Club Monthly Dinner and Meeting
Jerry Vance Jan. 8 found the Sun Lakes Tennis Club enjoying our monthly dinner meeting in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club. A delicious chicken, potatoes, salad, and vegetables meal was enjoyed, topped off with chocolate mousse cake. Members were all dressed up and enjoying each other’s company. After the meeting, President Ed…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
St. Steven’s Ladies Guild Annual Fashion Show Luncheon—Save the Date!
Barbie Marr The annual St. Steven’s Ladies Guild Fashion Show Luncheon will be March 9, 2020, at the Cottonwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. Join us for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, food, and fabulous fashions! This year’s theme is Wings of Spring, and fashions will be provided by Stein Mart. The luncheon also features a…