Category: February 2022

Sun Lakes Chorale Concert

Yvonne Orlich As of Jan. 10, the Chorale members returned to working in earnest in preparation for our Spring Concert on Thursday, March 10. We were thrilled at the turnout for the Christmas Concert after the long drought of no practicing and no concerts due to that nasty Grinch, COVID-19. And now we are hoping…

Blood Drives Notice

As a vital part of our community, the Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse continues to host Red Cross Blood Drives to supplement the dangerously low levels of blood in the current supply inventories. The next blood drive will be on Friday, March 18, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse office,…

Ticket to Ride (A Fun Board Game)

Stephanie Hemberg If you are interested in playing a very fun board game called Ticket to Ride, please email me at and leave a phone number so I am able to call and talk with you. It is easy to learn. Come try it and see how you like it! Fully-vaccinated for COVID-19 only,…

Fun Games to Play

Stephanie Hemberg If you are interested in playing games, please email me at and leave a phone number so I can call and talk with you. Come try it and join the fun! Fully-vaccinated for COVID-19 only, please! Non-smokers only, please!

Word Games

Would you like to play a variety of word games? We can teach you how to play, or you can teach us your games. Have fun playing word games such as AmuseAmaze, Quiddler, Scattergories, Scrabble, etc. We play word games at the IronOaks Poolside Room. Please send an email to with the days of…

‘Catch Me If You Can’ Promises to Thrill

Sun Lakes Community Theatre’s spring show is shaping up to be an exciting ride you won’t want to miss. Director Diana Nelinson is pleased to announce her upcoming mystery/thriller/comedy Catch Me If You Can to be performed Wednesday, April 27, through Sunday, May 1. The shows will be in the San Tan Ballroom in Cottonwood.…

Board Games

Would you like to play a variety of board games? We can teach you how to play, or you can teach us your games. Have fun playing board games such as Alhambra, Carcassonne, Cartagena, Sequence, Splendor, Ticket to Ride, etc. We play board games at the IronOaks Poolside Room. Please send an email to…

Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank Thanks Sun Lakes

Ellen Engel Food insecurity is on the rise in Arizona as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among Hispanic households, households with children, and households who experienced a job disruption, according to a recent survey conducted by researchers at Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions in collaboration with the National Food Access and…

Joyful Downsizing: Simple Steps to Organize Any Space

Kim Kubsch Are you tired of procrastinating to get organized and declutter your home? Once you have chosen the space you want to organize, take a “before photo.” Then proceed with these eight simple steps to complete it. Remember, start with a small space, and before you know it, you will have decluttered many small…