A new year means a fresh start—new clubs, a new golf cart, a new approach to the game. Want to keep the course in top shape? Repair divots and fix ball marks on the green. January brought a lot of new faces to the Niners. We are asking members, new and old, to wear their…
Category: March 2023
Sports, March 2023
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener The Sun Lakes Ladies League kicked off January with their annual Home and Home with Ironwood Golf Club. A great time was had by all. 1/10/23 Step Aside Scramble 1st (tie) Judy Wegener, Kris Peterson, Sarah Green, Tricia Colombe/Lynda Smith, Betty Reagan, Pinky Kubiak, Cathy Dunn 3rd (tie) Nadine Stark, Sabrina Erhardt, Jo…
Sports, March 2023
CMGA January Activities and Results
Buddy Meola The month of January started with the Ace of Aces Qualifier on the 7th. The competition was flighted by handicaps with one Blue, three White, and one Green flight. The low gross and low net score from each flight will qualify for the Championship played at the end of this year. Blue Flight:…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
Bridge Results
Cottonwood Ladies Bridge 1/12. Partnership Bridge: 1st Barb Sampson/Joan Hokanson, 2nd Karen Harnish/Lori Scharbach, 3rd Dee Guthrie/Maurine Howell; Hostesses: Joan Phelan and Diane Wine 1/19. 1st Linda Hess, 2nd Dee Guthrie, 3rd Lori Scharbach; Hostesses: Karen Hess and Kristy DeCleene 1/26. 1st Janelle Gibson, 2nd Lori Scharbach, 3rd Sally Culbertson; Hostess: Karen Hess 2/02. 1st…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
Republican Club Update
The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature “Policies for Thriving Communities” with guest speaker George Michael Khalaf at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. The public is invited. Our mission is “education…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
Friday Morning Warm-Up Practice Bridge
Join us on Fridays, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., in the Ladies Card Room (A-2) in Cottonwood for a very low-key and non-competitive opportunity to brush up on your bridge play or to practice hands. This is not a class. This is a drop-in group. You do not need to sign up in advance. Just…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
FUN da MENTAL Bridge Classes in March
Maria Davis FUN da MENTAL Bridge is offering a variety of bridge classes. Learn with Better Bridge certified instructors Karin Hansen and Maria Davis. Back by popular demand! Have FUN. Exercise your brain. Hundreds of your neighbors have taken enjoyable, stimulating FUN da MENTAL bridge lessons over the past several years. Boot Camp Bridge. Classes are…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
Apple Club News
Gary Bross On Feb. 6 Gary T. and Gary B. held the second of the two classes on iPhone Photography. After brief photo taking instructions and some tips and tricks, we did a walkabout where we put to use what we learned. With Cottonwood’s North Lake as the background, we experimented with various camera modes,…
Sports, March 2023
CWPV Ladies Celebrate 100 Years Of AGA

Barbara Senneff Two ladies leagues in Sun Lakes joined together on Jan. 26 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Arizona Golf Association (AGA). Each year, the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association and Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association join together to play their annual Cotton-Verde Tournament. Despite the chilly and gusty morning, there was a players’ field…
Sports, March 2023
Residents Compete in State Medallion Playoff

Minna Rasmussen The Cottonwood Lady Niners were represented at the AGA 2023 Women’s 9-hole State Medallion Tournament by Susan Utzinger, Cheryl Kopacz, Minna Rasmussen, and Andrea Steinhauser. The event was held at the Oakwood Country Club, Sonoran course, on Jan. 13. Utzinger and Rasmussen were the gross players, and Kopacz and Steinhauser were the net…