March 2024

Breakers Pool League Annual Banquet

The annual Breakers Banquet took place in the IronOaks ballroom on Feb. 4. Forty-eight members and guests enjoyed a buffet preceded by a social hour with plenty of kibitzing. In addition to numerous door prizes, the highlight of the evening was selecting the raffle winner of a fine Balabushka pool cue. The winner was Tera…

Third Annual RAD Golf Scramble

Don Vock The Third Annual RAD (Recreation and Athletics for Individuals with Disabilities) Golf Scramble will have an 8 a.m. shotgun start on Saturday, April 13, at Oakwood Golf Club, in Sun Lakes. The tournament is open to the public and will feature a preferred ball scramble format for the full field of 144 golfers.…

CMGA January Results

Buddy Meola January started out with an Ace of Aces Qualifier on Jan. 6. The low gross and low net scores from each flight will qualify for the Ace of Aces Championship to be played at the end of the year. Blue Flight: Low Gross Tom Kastelitz, Low Net Bruce Pape White Flight 1: Low…

Essential Oils in the Laundry Room

JoAnne Gaudioso Doing laundry may not always be the most exciting way to spend your time, but it is a task everyone has to face on a weekly or perhaps even daily basis. You can enhance your laundry routine with the cleansing power of essential oils. The most common benefit of using essential oils in…

The Promise of Spring, the Seeds of Harmony

Rev. Derrick Elliott, Pastor, Sun Lakes United Church of Christ In the heart of winter, on Jan. 14, 2024, our community embarked on a journey of understanding and connection that defied the cold and barren landscape around us. Gathered within the warm embrace of fellowship, individuals from diverse religious backgrounds came together for an interfaith…

Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club

Eight new members joined the Sun Lakes (evening) Lions Club on Jan. 4. They joined the club to help serve the local community and beyond. Lions Clubs International’s five areas of service are Sight, Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Environment, and Hunger. If you are interested in joining the Sun Lakes (evening) Lions Club and serving in…

Lenten Giving Project

Stewart Thompson, Chairman, Missions and Outreach Ministry The Missions and Outreach Ministry of Sun Lakes United Church of Christ has organized a collection to benefit Maggie’s Place and Justa Center throughout Lent. During the first three weeks, we will collect for Maggie’s Place, and the second three weeks we will collect for Justa Center. This…