Liz DeMichael, Publicity There were cars, horses and other sports racing to the finish line in May. The Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association (PVLGA) concentrated on racing to post some great scores in May. 5/1 and 5/8. Match Play. Through the early history of golf, most tournaments were played as “match” play as opposed…
Category: Sports
Sports, July 2018
Softball Player Profile: Bill McCoy

Larry Wolfe A native of Rochester, Minnesota, home of the acclaimed Mayo Clinic, Bill McCoy spent all of his youth and young adulthood in the Gopher State. He graduated from Mayo High School where he played baseball for the Spartans before spending most of his free time “working on his own scholarship plan.” He then…
Sports, July 2018
2018 Cottonwood Women’s Extended Spring League

Susie Dunn Our fun Extended League ran from April 2 to May 14 this season with a round robin format playing three sets each week. We ended up on our last Monday playing a little tennis trivia, sharing assortments of ice cream bars and popsicles and saying our goodbyes to our great snowbird friends for…
Sports, July 2018
Hardy souls continue year-round tennis at Cottonwood

Penny Petersen When it’s 82 degrees at 7:00 a.m. and 110 degrees by noon, it takes hardy souls to venture onto the tennis court. Normal play times for the Cottonwood Tennis Club are 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. But nobody in their right mind would subject themselves to heat stroke. So, in the summer, CTC…
Sports, July 2018
“Boys of Summer” softball season underway
Larry Wolfe The Boys of Summer, written by Roger Kahn, is a baseball classic. The title of the book refers to the Brooklyn Dodgers of the 1950s, a talented team that usually won the National League pennant only to lose the World Series to those Damn Yankees. In Sun Lakes, we have our own…
Sports, July 2018
Record-setting year for senior softball

Larry Wolfe The 2017-18 softball year, including our fall, winter and spring sessions, saw seven individual hitting records set. It was truly the “year of the hitter.” As promised in last month’s Splash, this is our annual overview of the major statistics that baseball and softball players and fans love to analyze. There are many…
Sports, July 2018
IWLN most improved golfers

Nancy Davis, Publicity Most Improved Golfers: On April 11, President Denise Fleshner hosted our general meeting and brunch and announced the IWLN “Most Improved Golfers” for 2017. Denise awarded the first-place Most Improved Golfer to Denise Lott and the runner-up Most Improved Golfer to Barb Sletto. Both of the ladies were given a certificate to…
Sports, July 2018
The Strike Zone

Hits and Misses Irene Olson The “Pin Spinners,” as the first-place team named themselves, had won the first half of the season and then won the play-off game against the second half winners. Bobbie Rubin said she couldn’t believe her good fortune, as this was her first year back to bowling after a long absence.…
Sports, July 2018
Relishing Pickleball
David Zapatka, USAPA rating committee member The USAPA has launched its official tournament rating system powered by The new rating system will benefit pickleball tournament directors and competitive players, enhancing the sport’s growth and development. Tournament directors will be able to create optimally balanced brackets for all their events, and tournament players will…
Sports, July 2018
MOGA news and scores

Wayne Karp Many of our members are now back to their summer homes, and many of us will be taking our summer vacations to escape the hot temperatures. As a result, our weekly golfer count is dwindling, slowly but surely, but we still have plenty of our members to compete each week. For the remainder…