Arthur Fink The Sun Lakes Chess Club invites you to join us, whether you are a beginner or a grand master chess player. We meet every Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood. Come early or come late; you are always welcome. There are no dues or…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
The magic of photography

Ann Posiviata Have you always wanted to learn how to take better pictures? Interested in taking your photography skills to the next level? Or complement your existing technical skills with creativity? Well, the Sun Lakes Camera Club will be offering our Fundamentals of Digital Photography for all members of our community this coming 2018-2019 club…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Sun Lakes Lions Club’s 2018 – 2019 officers

DGE Ray Clark installed the Sun Lakes Lions Club’s 2018-2019 officers at a covered dish supper held in the Administration Building of Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. Left to right are Secretary/Treasurer Ruth Palmer, Second VP Lorna Snedigar, President Larry Palmer, DGE Ray Clark, Lion Tamer Jack Rahman, 2yr Director Pat Hollander, 1yr Director Ray…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Edgar Cayce Study Group
Our Search for God study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful and to be one with…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
It’s summertime for the Chordaires

Karen Sproates The Chordaires Show Chorus of Sun Lakes is having a fun summer, taking time to get together to enjoy each other’s company. Twice a month, these women meet for lunch and to play cards. The end of June brought many of the singers together for a wine and cheese social where they enjoyed…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Spanish Conversation Group meets during the heat
Dianne Zimmerman This fun, friendly and lively conversational Spanish group continues to meet all summer long. Get out of the heat and join us each Wednesday from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. in the Ocotillo Room of the Arts and Crafts building at Oakwood Country Club. We discuss a wide variety of topics in an…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Are you open to considering natural forms of healthcare?

Vicki Vitality If you are you open to considering natural forms of healthcare, then the Sun Lakes Essential Oil Club is the place for you. Essential oils can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. These naturally-occurring, volatile, aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Writers’ Page
Punctuations Lois Grotewald If I were an exclamation point, I’d put myself at the end of “I love you.” If I were a parenthesis, I’d hug “you” from both sides. If I were a period, I’d place myself after forever – period. If I were a colon, I’d be before a line of dear,…
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Wanted: poker players
Wanted: Poker players – 7 Card Stud with Jokers wild, only on aces, straights and flushes. Mondays at 2:00 p.m. at Ironwood; $1.00 limit. Men and ladies are welcome. If interested, call Pablo at 480-895-2024.
Clubs & Classes, August 2018
Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club installs new officers

Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club Installation Dinner installs officers. Left to right: Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club Third Vice President Debra Curry, First Vice President Rich Iovino, Treasurer Mac Davey, Lions Club International Coordinator Jim Brotherton and Lion Tamer Bob Scully and President Brian Curry are installed by District 21B Governor Bobbie Ravenkamp; photo by…