
Hits & Misses Start Bowling September 26

Patricia Smith Who: Prior members and people who want to bowl What: Opening season meeting of Hits & Misses bowling league When: Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 11 a.m. Where: Bowlero Kyrene Lanes at Chandler Blvd. and Kyrene Road Why: Because if we don’t have enough people present or committed to form at least six teams (four on a team), Hits…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Goes Digital Technology

Dean Sinerius Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and play. It has also transformed the world of sports, including tennis. Local tennis clubs and leagues are now leveraging technology to improve the experience of players and fans alike. In this article, we will explore how technology is changing local tennis clubs and leagues,…

Bocce Court Renovations!

John Terranova, President, Sun Lakes Bocce Club To the unaware, anyone driving past the bocce courts would wonder what was going on. It would appear a cyclone devastated the entire area! But, no, it is the CWPV Homeowners Association and contractors in action with the long-overdue renovations of the bocce courts and the establishment of…

SLLGA Results

Judy Wegener July was one for the record books this year, shattering the number of 110-degree days in a row at 31 days plus! The 18-holers started the month off with our traditional Plant Your Flag. 7/4/23 Plant Your Flag 1st Nadine Stark, 2nd Cat Lajune, 3rd Judy Wegener 7/11/23 Best 9 Net Flight 1:…

OLGA Results

Okay, let’s face it! It has been a brutally hot summer by setting all kinds of records, but a few faithful have continued to play each week. On July 11 we got to choose the best front or back nine. Terry Jung was the winner in Flight 1, followed by Lynda Jones, Susan La Salvia,…