Doris Codkind, Publicity We are now back from our summer hiatus and anxious to get involved in our upcoming meetings and programs. The September 9 meeting at Oakwood Clubhouse featured a presentation on Health Advocacy given by our own Wende Levy, RN, BSN. This eye opening talk gave us tools and tips to use when…
Category: Religion
Religion, October 2014
SLJC news and events

The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation (SLJC) is an established reform congregation that meets at the Sun Lakes Chapel on the second Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Services are a great opportunity to meet new people, connect with Judaism and learn. New attendees are invited to be introduced at the service and members of…
Religion, October 2014
The Miraculous Survival of Christianity – begins October 17
Professor Rod Carruthers Did you know that Christianity is the largest segment of our world’s population (according to a Pew Research Report issued on December 19, 2011)? It represents nearly one-third of the estimated global population of 6.9 billion. The United States Christian population is estimated to be 246,780,000 (2010); the U.S. is the country…
Religion, October 2014
Unity: the value of words
One Unity teacher once passed around a slip of paper with the following letters: “L.I.D.G.T.T.F.T.A.T.I.M.” She then told the story of a man who was down on his luck. Financially and emotionally he was depressed. He was ready to listen to anyone who could help him out of his troubles. She explained to him that…
Religion, October 2014
Sun Lakes Lutheran news
Marty Garrison Beginning in June, Pastor Cora Aguilar (semi-retired) from Maricopa has been assisting in worship, preaching and teaching. She is originally from the Philippines and has served churches in California and Arizona. She recently taught at the Phoebe Circle about transformation from the Book of Acts. It is with joy we welcome her to…
Religion, October 2014
Bill Bade celebrates 10 years as Risen Savior Choir Director

Sun Lakes resident Bill Bade recently completed his 10th year as conductor of the Risen Savior Church Choir. Bade is well known throughout Sun Lakes music circles as a highly-accomplished musician. In addition to directing choirs for over 51 years, he is an accomplished organist and pianist. The Risen Savior Choir, which features 40 to…
Religion, October 2014
Hair loss, saber rattling, and the sovereignty of God
Dr. Marc Drake, Sr. Pastor, First Baptist Church of Sun Lakes The Bible tells us: The very hairs of your head are all numbered (Matthew 10:30). Did you know that according to experts, there are an estimated 100,000 hair follicles on the average scalp and about 30,000 in a man’s beard? Furthermore, most of us…
Religion, October 2014
Understanding the historical and cultural world of the Hebrew/Old Testament Bible
Join us on Wednesday mornings on October 2, 9 and 23 at 10:00-11:30 a.m. for classes on understanding the historical and cultural world of Hebrew/Old Testament Bible. Our Christian tradition has understood the Bible as the inspired and revealed Word of God. Contemporary biblical interpretation places importance on understanding the Bible within its original historical…
Religion, October 2014
Sisterhood news
Suzy Ziegler The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood is ready to launch its new season with a variety of fun and educational programs and events. The first meeting of the year will be October 16 at 1:00 p.m. in the Chapel House. The program will be speaker Erica Mandigo, Assistant Bureau Chief of the Fraud…
Religion, October 2014
Fall ministeries offer a full schedule
Doug Ross After the usual (Sun Lakes style) slow summer, the activities of Sun Lakes Community Church are in full swing. Bible Studies have started; men and women meet Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. and are studying Growth in the Christian Life. The men’s Bible Study meets every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m.. They are selecting…