Leonard Horst Hello and welcome to October! This is a month filled with celebrations and special events. We have International Coffee Day, Model T Day, World Communion Day, Country Music Month, and it’s National Cookie Month! Here in Cottonwood Palo Verde, we have multiple TAD shows, the annual Country Hoedown, and the annual Budget presentation.…
Category: October 2023
Generals, October 2023
Maricopa County Library, Ed Robson Branch, Offers a Broad Range of Programs
Ed Robson Library offers free programs for people of all ages. For a complete list of offerings, visit mcldaz.org/ed-robson. Ed Robson Library is located at 9330 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248, and is open to the public Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. October Events: Registration is required, and space…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
FUN da MENTAL Bridge Classes starting in October for Everyone!
Maria Davis FUN da MENTAL Bridge is offering a variety of Bridge classes starting in October. Learn with certified ACBL Better Bridge Instructors Karin Hansen and Maria Davis. Back by popular demand! Have fun. Exercise your brain. Hundreds of your neighbors have taken enjoyable, stimulating FUN da MENTAL Bridge lessons. Beginning Bridge. Classes are on Wednesdays,…
October 2023, Front Page
Hiking Club Open House and Picnic Dates

Interested in social hiking and live in Sun Lakes or SunBird? Come learn more about the Sun Lakes Hiking Club at one of our October Open Houses or at our Welcome Back club picnic in early November. We are a friendly, inclusive group of hikers who welcome all able-bodied hikers. We hike around the Valley…
Sports, October 2023
‘Tennis Under the Stars’ Is Back at Oakwood!
Carole Rockland, IOTC Communications Chair Interested in playing tennis in the cool of the evening? Join other IronOaks Tennis Club members every Wednesday at 6 p.m. starting Oct. 11. Players at any level, both men and women, are welcome. Come join the fun! For further information and to receive a weekly email, contact D.D. Kullman…
October 2023
Cottonwood Tennis Club Relaxing in the Cool Country

Barb Jorgensen The USTA 7.0 65+ Women’s Team went to Pinetop, Ariz., for a retreat. Julia Romanin and Jeanette Curran flew out from Kansas and Iowa, respectfully, to attend this First Annual USTA Team Summer Retreat. This team went to USTA Sectionals last year. For information regarding membership in Cottonwood Tennis Club, please contact Membership…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
Cheers Singles Group
Cheers is a social club open to members from Sun Lakes, Springfield, SunBird, and Solera communities. Our current 210 members invite you to become a part of the Cheers family, whether you are a year-round or seasonal resident. The club offers many activities and programs, including social time, wine tasting, dining out, book club, games,…
Clubs & Classes, October 2023
A Time for Fun

Harry Huckemeyer Once we all get through the summer heat here in our area, we all look forward to all those wonderful opportunities that living in this area affords us. Time waits for no one, and the Short Line Model Railroad Club comes to life for its second-half agenda of their season a little faster…
Sports, October 2023
Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association
Judy Onken It’s that time of year again when we can say goodbye to 110+ degree temperatures and hello to renewing friendships with folks who are returning to the best adult community in the US of A. The golf courses always look the nicest just before we cut them back for overseeding. Hats off to…
Sports, October 2023
IronOaks Tennis Club Plans a Busy Fall Schedule
Carole Rockland, Communications Chair, IronOaks Tennis Club Tennis players in IronOaks will have lots of opportunities for competitive and social play this fall. The following special events are on the fall calendar: Saturday, Oct. 14: IOTC/Springfield Tennis Club Social at Springfield Saturday, Oct. 28: IOTC/Robson Ranch Tennis Club Social at IronOaks Saturday, Nov. 4: “Welcome…