December 2019

New Adventures in Learning: Find us on Facebook

Sun Lakes Center: the cover photo on New Adventures' Facebook page

Catherine Hammond New Adventures is now on Facebook. The homepage is up and has many photos and comments, along with information about the lifelong-learning program. Some of the photos show classes and the state-of-the-art facility, along with links to the website and good contact information. Below is a brief conversation with Roxanne Singer, the governing council…

State Party

Washington Fritz Derheim Puyallup, Tukwila, Sequim, Humptulips, Toutle, and Pend Oreille? Really? Ever heard of them? Of course you have! If you can pronounce them correctly, then you must be from the best state in the Union… Washington State! And you’d better make plans to attend the Washington State Patio Party on Saturday, March 28,…

Veterans Day celebration

Memorial Day was celebrated by a group of Sun Lakes and SunBird veterans. Patricia Nicholaisen is shown thanking the Olive Garden manager with a “Thank You” appreciation certificate from all Arizona veterans.

Golden Goalies – Ready for 2020

Thanks to retiring leaders Jeanne Schwan and Sharon Flores

Bea Loozer Goalies celebrated another season of weight-loss and good health. Mazel tov. At the Fall Luncheon, Sharon Flores won the “biggest loser” award, meaning she lost the most weight in the last six months. It was a big day for Sharon, yet again. The whole Goalies group expressed their appreciation to Sharon—and to Jeanne Schwan…

Cottonwood Lady Niners’ brand new year

Lorri Morgan, Publicity This year celebrates the club’s 25th birthday! We are known for all the fun we have. Witness our 2018 Member/Guest tournament where we Clowned Around the Course. We started play this year on Nov. 7 with a game cruelly rewarding those with the fewest putts. Nov. 14 was our Welcome Back Luncheon…

Zumba® with Mary

Ho, Ho, Ho, it’s holiday time again in Sun Lakes with friends, parties, and all the goodies that go with it. Why not plan to celebrate the holidays with your friends at Zumba®? It’s a perfect way to top off the season. My Zumba® Fitness class is tailored to our age group. I incorporate international music and…