Nov. 9 was the first POD for the Oakwood Ladies Golf Association (OLGA) after overseeding. The game was played from 150 yards. We were very happy to have most of our winter visitors playing in the event. In Flight 1, the winner was Joan Hammond, second place Dang Teater, third place Eun Yoon, and fourth…
Category: December 2021
Sports, December 2021
Cottonwood Lady Niners News

The Cottonwood Lady Niners kicked off their new season with a Welcome Back Breakfast on Nov. 11, followed by a shotgun Scramble. With approximately 125 members, including 18 new members, they are looking forward to another fun season, including the Turkey Toss on Nov. 18, and the Christmas Hat Contest on Dec. 9 with free…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Self-Care: Essential Oils for a Stress-Free Holiday Season
JoAnne Guadioso The holiday season is meant to be full of joy, merriment, and happy socializing but can stray far away from this. Your days may be filled with gift shopping, family reunions, party planning, overeating, and not enough sleep. Prepping for the holidays can be harsh on anyone! Luckily, essential oils can be wonderful…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Desert Artists Club News
Sue Sindelar Welcome to our winter in Arizona. Many of us from northern states and provinces are glad we don’t have to shovel snow and endure the cold, but do appreciate the beauty that a fresh-falling snow gives to our spirit. The beauty of a Christmas card can inspire us to paint a familiar scene…
Features, December 2021
Spotlight On Advertiser: Boardwalk Plumbing

Boardwalk Plumbing is a local, family-owned, full-service plumbing company that is proud to service the plumbing needs of the Sun Lakes and Chandler communities. Our plumbers have over 30 years’ experience in the plumbing industry and are able to provide a full range of honest and quality services. Even for your most basic of service…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Donate to AFMA Firefighter Charities
Generals, December 2021
Recent Committee Luncheon Honors IronOaks Members
Sports, December 2021
Fall Softball League Is in Full Swing

Larry Wolfe The Fall Sessions in both our Lakes and Sun Divisions began in late October and continue through Dec. 17. Sun Division team managers and sponsors for this session are Kim Whitney (Leckner Realty), Bill Corso (The Redeemed Team), Randy Neumann (Spooner Physical Therapy), and Ron Carmichael (Wolfe & Associates). Managers and sponsors in…
Religion, December 2021
Unity: What Are We Thinking?
Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought spiritual community dedicated to living the Truths taught by Jesus Christ as well as other spiritual masters. We see the good (the God) in our fellow humans and celebrate our Oneness with all people in the world. We meet on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at Sun…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
DAR Spotlight: Gila Butte Member Judy Putnam

Deborah Goodacre It’s hard to believe it is December when you are reading this article. This month’s feature is Gila Butte Chapter member Judy Putnam in the “Spotlight.” She was so excited to be featured that she wrote her history. I didn’t have to do a thing! “I became a member of the Hunt Chapter…