“Half In Two”

  Roy Parfitt A few weeks back, Linda and I decided, on the spur of the moment, to fly to L.A., rent a car and drive up the Pacific Coast Highway. We lived and worked in California for 30 years and had done this a few times in various segments, and just thought, “Why not?”…

Ambulance Memborship Program Fact Sheet

  The following FAQs were developed to assist residents in better understanding this necessary change. Q: What is an ambulance patient subsidy? A: For many years, both NCFMD and SCFMD have been able to waive or subsidize patient co-pays and deductibles for ambulance transport services. Q: Why does the current subsidy program need to end?…

Free life writing group

  Two-part workshop on August 8 and 15, and August 22 and 29. It is okay if you want to attend only one of the two-part sessions. Meet at Cottonwood clubhouse in Room A-3 at 10:00 a.m. to noon. RSVP Rev. Jeanne at 480-374-0111 if you plan to attend. Bird Mejia is an expert at…

Riding the stagecoach together

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Sun Lakes The great 18th century evangelist George Whitefield once stepped into a stagecoach about to leave Edinburgh. A lady who belonged to a different church denomination happened to step into the same coach. She saw Whitefield and became alarmed, saying, “Are you not Mr. Whitefield?” He…

Hikers cool off along the Mogollon Rim

Photo by Mark Malin

Warren Wasescha The club’s off-season hikes began this summer with a 6.3-mile hike on Houston Loop Trail along the Mogollon Rim near Payson, AZ, 4800 feet above sea level with temperatures 20 degrees cooler than in the desert, 90 miles away – a nice respite from the summer heat enjoying nature with friends. While our…