
  Roy Parfitt My grandmother came out to the front porch and told me to wash my hands, supper was ready. I told her they weren’t dirty and ran passed her into the house. She caught up with me, slapped my bottom and said, “Wash your hands or no supper.” That is my first memory.…

Healing with essential oils

  The next oil sharing will be on March 6, the first Wednesday, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. In March, we are making two blends: 1) for the rejuvenation of the facial muscles and diminishing wrinkles, and 2) for memory. As we age, the renewal of each cell slows down. The body is not quickly…

Relising Pickleball

Jack Hill and Janice Golden

2018 NIT Mixed Doubles Tourney Champions, 4.0+ Division David Zapatka The 6th Annual Norris Invitational Pickleball Tournament, the NIT, Sun Lakes’ largest pickleball tournament of the year, returns this month, March 4-8. The NIT namesake is Dick and Maureen Norris who worked so hard on behalf of the pickleball community to have a place for…

Cottonwood Lady Niners news and reviews

Eden Carter and Christine Lecoutre

Lorri Morgan, Publicity We are so proud of our own team of Eden Carter, Low Gross, and Christine Lecoutre, Low Net, taking All Around Title of the 2018 State Medallion. Twenty-two teams competed at PebbleCreek on January 5. Eden and Christine in Flight One scored a combined 72, beating the second-place team by six strokes!…

Low Hanging Fruit Tournament

  Gary Vacin The Sisk Park Bocce Club is seeking players to participate in the club’s annual Low Hanging Fruit Tournament set for March 28. The event is open to players from the Divisions F and lower. The tourney begins at 5:30 p.m. Entry fee is $5 per person, and all entry fees will be…

Until Dale…

Dale Yeoman

Madelaine Paschal When you’re deemed a “senior” (60 and up?) and have never had a hobby before… like golfing, sewing, planting or a myriad of other “fun” endeavors, you are called many things throughout your long and what you thought was a productive life… such as “hopeless” (my active mother pinned that one on me),…